Monday, September 16, 2024

Human Design 9. The Body Centres (Part 1)

 Human expanded from 7-centred beings to 9-centred beings in the year 1781, which was the year of Uranus discovery. Humans are designed to live longer and with different purposes than our oldest ancestors.

The time of birth affects certain gates as defined or undefined. 

A defined centre has more than 2 defined gates, highly resistant to change, more fixed energetic expression.

An undefined centre has one defined gate, easily influenced by external forces, flexible, enabling us to experience the world, can cause stress, anxiety, pressure and confusion.

A completely open centre has no defined gate, ultimate receptors of external conditioning, great vulnerability but also opportunities for incredible growth and learning from others. 

Reflectors (less than 1% of human population( have all 9 centres completely open.

Head centre: Pressure centre

- related to ideas, inspiration, questions and doubtful feelings. Based on the gates, those ideas can be logical, abstract or personal.

- linked to the pineal gland, which produces melatonin hormone affecting sleeps and wakefulness.

- not linked to the Throat centre. Thus, the only way to access it is through the Ajna centre.

* a defined Head centre will has a defined Ajna centre. Difficult to meditate as their thought processes are continuous and constant. 

* an undefined Head centre feels urge to obtain solutions to all the questions around them. May appear intuitive and observational, but in reality they lack the power to draw conclusions and analyse information on their own.

- Effective strategy for open Head centre: filtering out those particular ideas, thoughts and inspirations that are right for them; then careful selecting.

Ajna centre: Awareness centre

- operating as a processor of thoughts, information and questions, analyse.

- ideas flow from the Ajna centre to the Throat centre and then are expressed to the world.

- one of the 3 awareness centres for the Divine Intelligence.

- linked to the pituitary gland, the master gland regulating our hormones.

* a defined Ajna centre means a defined Head centre.

* an undefined Ajna centre means an undefined Head centre. They have an open mind but can't retain information long. They observe things around from all angles and perspectives.

- Effective Strategy for an open centre: remain flexible and not to pursue certainty, making lists can help in recollecting things and improve our decision-making skills.

Throat centre: Manifestation centre

- control the metabolic rate and overall well-being.

- linked to thyroid and parathyroid glands.

* a defined Throat centre can communicate and express your emotions in a clear and reliable manner. Linked to the Solar Plexus aids in communicating your expressions and thoughts. Connected to the Spleen centre leads to any "gut instincts". Linked to the G-centre conveys self-love, esteem, direction and purpose in life. Linked to the Ego centre and Sacral centre involved in the communication of will power and the joys of life, correspondingly.

* an undefined Throat centre do not have consistent or dependable communication skills. They are not a good orator or expressed, requiring flexibility.

G-centre: Identity centre

- related to self-love, direction and purpose in life.

- included the Magnetic Monopole that can be used to return to our places, to find ourselves nd our direction in life.

- attract things toward us.

- linked to the liver 

*a defined G centre: aware of their identity and practice self-worth and self-love. has a clear sense of direction and purpose. Their insecurities determine whether others can love them as they are. Their energy has a significant impact ib those with an undefined G. It is imperative that they surround themselves with the right people and environment.

*Open Identity: tend to change their personality and behaviors according to whom they are with at particular moment. Overcoming by letting go of the need to defined yourself in a confined space, spending time with people who bring out the flexibility in them and amplify their sense of direction in life.

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