Monday, September 2, 2024

Human Design 6. Inner Authority Types - Part II

There are 7 types of Inner Authority. In module 5, the first 3 ones have already been reviewed.

1. The Emotional Inner Authority (the Solar Plexus Inner Authority): 47% of population

2. The Sacral Inner Authority: 35% of population

3. The Splecnic Inner Authority: 11% of population

In module 6, the last 4 Inner Authority types are reviewed.

4. The Ego Inner Authority: 1% of population (the rarest type). None of the Solar Plexus, Sacral or Splenic centres are defined, and the Heart/Will centre is defined. There are 2 types of Ego Inner Authority: Ego Manifested Inner Authority (1) and Ego Projected Inner Authority (2).

- need to be mindful of their energy, motivation, influence 

- rest as much as possible.

- finding natural rhythm for effective choices.

- spontaneous decisions can actually help

Ego Manifested Inner Authority: have a defined channel between the Heart/Will centre and the Throat centre, and with no defined channel between the Throat and the Sacral, Solar Plexus or Splenic centres. 

- benefit from listening to their own words

- should not encumbered by logical or analytical thought to find the truth but rather listening to themselves and acting on the words that drive their personal interests.

Ego Projected Inner Authority: have a defined channel between the Heart/Will centre and the G-centre.

- do best when they wait for invitation before deciding upon their involvement.

- can be effective leaders and change-makers when following their strategies successfully.

5. The Self-Projected Inner Authority: 2.8% of population. The G centre is defined and the Heart/Will, Sacral, Spleen and Solar Plexus centres are all undefined.

- can get wisdom from the sound of their own voice and talking through their decisions with trusted friends, or even to themselves.

- Vocal communication is the primary way for making effective decisions.

- thrive in the moment.

6. Environmental Inner Authority: 3.53% of population. Either the Head and Ajna centres or the Head, Ajna and Throat centres are defined, but the rest of the body centres below the Throat centre are undefined.

- deeply affected by their surrounding environment, extremely sensitive body. --> Should carefully and selectively choose one's physical environment as much as possible.

- need to find a peaceful setting to make decisions.

- find a lot of wisdom in their own voice, but less in the words and more in the speaking out. --> Should learn to trust and lean into one's own voice, and be careful to talk through their decisions only with people who will not try to influence their choices.

- challenges: easily get caught up in the mental whirlwind of the Head centre, leading to over analysing, self-doubt, and endless questioning. --> Paying attention to inner and exterior environments to connect to the world outside of the head can prove helpful.

7. Lunar Inner Authority: 1.39% of population (2nd rarest type). Have no defined body centres.

- deeply influenced by the cycle of the moon. 

- best decisions should be made over the course of a full lunar cycle (28.5 day cycle). In this way, they can sampling through all of the different Authority types, thus seeing more sides of the situation that any of other Authority types.

- should pay attention to the immediate instintive response to the environment.

- should set boundaries and manage the expectations of those surrounding to safeguard the intentionally lengthy process of making the best choice.

- should pay attention to the planetary transits and phase of the moon and keep track of their own internal experiences for illuminating insights.

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