Monday, June 17, 2019

Asian Youth Empowerment 2019 - Holistic Leadership Facilitation

“I’ve heard that we are born alone and we die alone. But one thing I’ve learned from here is that, we don’t have to live alone.” (Pann)

Yes, we did everything together, participatory decision-making, having lots of fun, and winning collaborative games with no one left behind. Our powerful mantram was “Connect, connect, connect!” And it was amazing how we could connect to each other in such a short time!

Connection and trust are the foundation of any relationship, as well as leadership. I’ve learned that trust is empowerment and real power comes by empowering people. As trust is based on integrity, the leadership development journey is an individual quest for inner transformation, of self-discipline and character building. Thus, leadership is not a position but rather a way of living, leading one’s own life with vision and purpose, manifesting love through selfless-service. And we can help each other along the way.

Thank you all for the happy and inspiring time we had together!

With Love and Gratitude. 