Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The SJC - Prework for the 1st meeting

 Concept Note

1. Please list some keywords that catch your attention. 

Paradigm, collaboration, collective reflection, systemic issue, deep sustainability, the natural steps, inner fulfillment, true freedom, spiritual intelligence, 

2. What do you think of the sustainability approach of The S Journey Collective? 

I found that it is a holistic, comprehensive approach that reminds me of the sustainability principles for a happy life: (1) Connection to/Care for Oneself (Spiritual Intelligence, Self-Knowledge), (2) Connection to/Care for Nature (Laws of Nature) and (3) Connection to/Care for People (Community Context).

3. What do you think of the vision for a sustainability citizen? 

A sustainability citizen, for me, is one who is healthy physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually; through his/her own self-transformation, he/she is striving toward Goodness, Truth, and Beauty.

Ideally, he/she is a living soul, a source of wisdom, joy, love, calmness and peace, who realizes and expresses his/her divine nature.

4. Please write a reflection that describes your thoughts and feelings that arise when reading the concept note. This is freestyle writing without any rules or requirements. Just be true to yourself and write as naturally as you can. 

Reflection on the Concept Note, it reminds me of the “Systems View of Life” by Fritjof Capra, the physicist with a spiritual perspective, talking about the interconnectedness of everything in the Web of Life. 

I like the idea of “true freedom”, “spiritual intelligence” and “experiencing life instead of consuming life” from the SJC approach. 

I feel grateful to be part of this interesting and inspiring journey, thank you so much Thao Meo and Hoang Anh! I believe that it would be a transformative journey, both for ourselves, definitely, and hopefully also for the community.

Just a little bit concerned about the word “sustainability citizen” as it may sound somehow stuck in the status quo (although it can show inner strength and endurance, sometimes people may sustain a situation, even in a negative sense). The word does not really reflect the continuously progressive, regenerative, evolving nature of life.  Anyway, just my 2 cents and I don’t know yet what should be better for it. 

Program Draft

5. What specific topics are you interested in?

I like all topics, specifically those related to spiritual development and sustainability knowledge and practices.

6. What other topics do you want to explore (that are not yet listed in the table)? 

Currently I am studying esoteric psychology, numerology, astrology and will probably soon learn about Human Design https://humandesign.vn/ They are tools of self-knowledge for transformation and finding one’s mission in life.