Tuesday, January 17, 2017

GQ2: 1 Capricorn Meditation and Study Report - Esoteric Astrology 2

In the first year, you studied levels of consciousness, the seven rays, the etheric body and the seven major centres, and began study of esoteric astrology. In this second year astrology continues in sections 1 and 2. In sections 3 and 4, Psychology Problems from an esoteric perspective begins. This topic will be picked up in Quest Universal in the second and third year levels, where the problems affecting mystics and diciiples are studied. Sections 5 and 6 will give you an opportunity to integrate what has been learnt over the past eighteen months. When the course is complete, you will have received training in the fundamentals of Esoteric Psychology. If you continue your study and practise working with people, you will help to ground this great science in the collective consciousness of humanity. You may also find that it is the service area you wish to work in.


1-1OM, this is the science of Union (yoga)

1-2 Union is achieved through the subjugation of the psychic nature, and restraint of chitta (mind).

1-3 When chitta is restrained, the Yogi knows himself as he is in reality

The goal of Raja Yoga is union with our spiritual source.

1.The obstacles to soul cognition
Bodily disability - Mental inertia - Wrong questioning/ doubt
Mental carelessness - Laziness/ sloth - Lack of dispassion (astral):
Erroneous perception - Inability to achieve concentration
Failure to hold the meditative attitude when achieved
Ignorance [the root of all the other hindrances]
Egoism - the lower sense of "I” - Attachment (desire)
Hate (aversion to life) - Clinging to life [a basic hindrance]
Be Harmless (do not kill) - Be Truthful (do not lie)
Be Honest (do not steal) - Be without Greed (do not be greedy)
Be Chaste (conserve your sexual force)

4. The RULES
Purification - Contentment - Fiery Aspiration
Spiritual Reading - Devotion to Ishvara
Discrimination - Think an Opposite Thought - RightDetachment
Concentration - Meditation - Contemplation - Illumination

Study: This month we work with the Moon and Ascendant Signs, and the message that these two astrogical symbols have for you.  Use the same workbook which is available on Great Quest 1 module 6.

Raja Yoga Meditation: this month we do a recap of important sutras from last year.

STUDY - Esoteric Astrology 2

THE MOON SIGN represents the ‘Prison of the Soul’ pattern. 

Q1.     What is the ‘Prison of the Soul’ pattern? How does it affect people generally?

The 'Prison of the Soul' pattern refers to negative features of the Moon Sign in Esoteric Astrology. It represents the negative karma that we need to transform in this life in order to liberate our Soul for spiritual development. It affects people unconsciously, subconsciously and instinctively.

Your last sentence is very accurate. Not only does it affect one’s karma, but primarily it is the habits, the lines of least resistance, the way one moves unconsciously that are most affect. As the moon patterns are unconscious, they are the exact opposite of being ‘conscious’ which would mean one is in contact with soul.

Q2.    Read the information given for your Moon Sign - including the Labour of Hercules. Based on this information, what do you understand your prison-pattern to be? As you examine yourself, do you relate any of the descriptions given? How strong is the pattern in you at this current time?
My Moon Sign is in Scorpio, thus my prison-pattern is about the selfish desires, desire for power, money, pride, fear, hides in darkness, revenge, grudge, cruelty… 

Examining myself, I have related to the fear of loss of loved ones. Thanks to gradual spiritual study and practices, at this current time, I guess that the negative features of this Scorpio Moon Sign in me have been transmuted to some extent.

There is a lot more that one can say about moon in Scorpio. To talk about fear…well almost everyone experiences fear so you really need to look at different habits.
Here are some for your consideration.
-          strong and intense emotions, often based on willful desire
-          impatience, moody or even brooding
-          easily hurt, you can become jealous, hold grudges and take revenge
-          often judge others too quickly and feel a need to dominate through subtle means
-          negative use of Scorpio Moon can lead to sexual excess, inhibitions, perversion or alcoholism

Q3.     What are the Soul Words for your Moon Sign - the key to the pattern’s purification? What do these words mean to you? How can you use these words and what they imply, to bring to light and dissipate the prison of the soul pattern?

The Soul Words for my Moon Sign – the key to the pattern’s purification are: Warrior I am and from the battle I emerge triumphant.” These words show me the light to combat the darkness of the Scorpio, implying the fighting spirit of a courageous warrior. In order to bring to light and dissipate the prison of the soul pattern, as a fighter in the war, I need to defeat this illusion, the duality conflict with the selfish desires of the personality. Yes…good.

THE ASCENDANT SIGN represents the “purpose of the soul” in this incarnation. 

Q4.    According to Esoteric Astrology, what is the “purpose of the soul” as you understand it? 

The “purpose of the soul” refers to features of the Ascendant (Rising) sign in Esoteric Astrology.  The Rising sign represents the nature of our Soul’s purpose, our spiritual goals of evolutionary advancement for the present incarnation; in order to realize our life as a Soul’s integrated one. 

Q5.     Based on the information given in your reference material for this sign - and using the soul words or esoteric description of this purpose, what is your “soul purpose”? What exactly do you have to do, to manifest and express this purpose more completely in your life?

My Ascendant sign is Aquarius, and the soul words for this sign are: “Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty humanity.” Thus, it implies that my soul’s purpose is to share the love and knowledge that improve life conditions for humanity.  In order to manifest and express this purpose more completely in life, I need to serve the collective through humanitarian and educational works. Good.

Q6.    The rays that flow through your Ascendant Sign, represent qualities to be developed, to bring your personality into right balance with the soul. Which rays flow through your Ascendant Sign? What are the qualities of this ray? And how strong are they in you? How so?

Ray 5 flows through my Aquarian Ascendant. This is the Ray of concrete mind and knowledge with scientific, analytic, rational, technical and objective qualities. I can relate to some of these qualities yet not so strong although I have both my Sun and Ascendant sign conjunct in Aquarius. I guess it is partly because of the late degree (near 29 degree of Aquarius) at the cusp toward Pisces.

Here are a few more characteristics to consider that might help you relate to Aquarius. If you have both Asc and Sun in Aquarius you really need to look at the characteristics more closely.
-          original, independent, individualistic and freedom-loving OR rebellious if you do not handle these qualities well
-          strong likes and dislikes could make you seem stubborn
-          that which is different appeals to you which leads to the occult, study of astrology
-          It is easier for you to love mankind than to love one person, which can make you seem cool and detached.
-          Unpredictable, curious and intellectual, your aim is to express useful knowledge.

Q7.    Certain careers are associated with the signs and rays. Are you in one of the careers associated with your Ascendant Sign or with the rays flowing through it? If so, which one, and is it fulfilling for you? If not, would you like to be in such a career, and if so which and why?

Careers associated with my Aquarian Ascendant sign are those in science, (new, alternative) technology, social worker, and esoteric careers such as researching, writing and teaching the occult sciences.

Careers associated with the 5th Ray are scientist, electrician, engineer, technician, researcher, inventor and technician. 

Before, I had worked as a researcher in a laboratory for environmental (green) chemistry and later as an officer in research department of one university. Somehow these are related to my Ascendant sign and the 5th ray. However, later I realized that my passion was not in this academic field. I left my job last June and started to work in a start-up project with my friend.  My main task there is to study the Ageless Wisdom from ancient civilizations, religions, philosophy to provide the background knowledge for the team in building up a social network for spiritual development through self-understanding and discovery. I think that is the job which is very fulfilling for me, working in education and researching in the Ageless Wisdom from ancient civilizations, religions, philosophy. Since we did not have funding, our team has to stop the full-time work for each member to find other jobs to finance ourselves. Thus, I’m currently looking for new job in NGO or educational fields. We still keep continue our project as part-time job because it is what we really love to do. …and that love definitely fits into an Aquarian model. It is interesting to note that the first job was more fitting the Aquarian personality while the latter is more the soul’s intention.


1.     How valuable was it for you to recap of last year’s work?

It is very helpful for me to recap of last year’s work, even more so because I was lost in the last 6 months. 

2.      What important insights did you gain in your Raja Yoga meditations this month?

Reviewing of last year Raja Yoga topics, I learn that the hindrances to our soul integration can be associated to the three poisons, three unwholesome roots taught in Buddhism which are greed, hatred/anger and delusion. And thus, in order to liberate ourselves from the wheel of Samsara or to free our soul from its prison, the first and foremost important thing is character building/self-purification which can be achieved by practicing these Raja Yoga meditations. Yes, as well as all the Noble Eight-fold Path of the Buddha – summed up as Right Living.

3.      What did you learn about yourself this month, as a result of your study and meditation work? What did you learn about others and the world?

Meditation allows us to live more mindfully. On the other hand, being mindful facilitates our meditation. Being mindful puts you in touch with soul.

4.      THE FULL MOON MEDITATION: Please include insights you gained, or any thoughts at all about this meditation experience.

On the full moon day, I sent Love and positive energy during the meditation. I did not meditate at the exact full moon.

5.      Misc: How was the general quality of your meditation this month? Have you managed to establish a regular pattern of meditation? Are you experiencing any difficulties in your meditation work? 

My meditation this month is good. I have managed to establish a regular pattern of meditation. I have not experienced any difficulties in my meditation work.

Dear Daisy
So heartened to see you back on board and continuing with your esoteric work. I look forward to working again with you this year.
Wishing you lots of love, light and power in this New Year.