Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Lanna - traditional Thai dance

 by Mint and Bird, 12.12.2022 at Moving Art Atelier.

Monday, September 26, 2022

VCIL Travel School 2022 - Ladakh

 Our lovely memories from Ladakh, India (made by Huy Pavel).  💖 Thank you and love you all. 💗

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Reflection on Module 4 - Global Peace Practice

What is the one thing that concerns you the most when you think about global peace? 

- One thing that concerns me the most about global peace is the separative mindset which discriminates what is mine and what is yours in the names of religions, nations...

What is the one thing that makes you hopeful when you think about global peace? 

- One thing that makes me hopeful about global peace is the increasingly realization of Oneness.


I’ve learned that, as an alternative to simple linear thinking, we have systems thinking which helps us to better understand the complexity, making effective decisions and find holistic solutions to problems. Systems thinking is network-thinking, ecosystem-thinking, process-thinking, causal-thinking, thinking in terms of relationships, spaces, environment, connections and platform that affect the whole. 

Systems thinking highlights the interconnectedness of all, recognizing the dynamic causality and feedback loops. Applied in peace building, this mindset helps us understand the relationship and dynamics of a system, view and understand complexity, mobilizing existing internal resources and promote social change. Interventions should start with “listening to the systems” through seeing patterns through observing and reflecting on behaviors over time. By identifying where change is already happening in the system, that change can be nurtured towards a more peaceful society.

Daily systems thinking practices involve a strong commitment to developing our awareness, mindfulness, asking different questions, noticing the systems around us, and experiencing time differently by extending our sense of “now”, by slowing down (therefore helping us grasp interconnections that we may not have seen before). As real insights come in the company of others, we can integrate collaborative learning  through forming learning communities, reading club…

As leverage for system change, network development relates to the concept of emergence, which is changes that begin as local actions, then spring up simultaneously in many different areas. That emergence only happens through connection and is used to scale-up social innovations. We have to find and build “social yeast”, who are a few strategically connected people that have greater potential for creating social growth of a process/idea than large numbers of people who think alike. 

I’ve learned about leadership as a collective process, where network leadership is collective, distributed, bottom-up, facilitative, emergent, role-based, versus the conventional, organisational leadership, which is position-based, authority, individual, directive, top-down… With the rise of the web and the greater capacity for people, resources and ideas to self-organize, new forms of organizing are becoming possible. This web-approach offers greater openness, transparency, decentralized decision-making, and distributed action, thus entails better adaptability to changing environments and responses to crises. 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Reflection on Module 3 - Community Peace

I believe that AHIMSA (literally means "do no harm"), the philosophy that advocates nonviolence and respect for life of every living being, is the key principle if we want to have peace at all levels. As a philosophy of Integral Peace, Ahimsa doesn't just stand for "not killing" but also for not causing physical or emotional pain to any living being, either through thoughts, words, or actions. Mahatma Gandhi said "True Ahimsa should mean a complete freedom from ill-will, anger, hate and an overflowing love for all."

Regarding community peace and leadership, again, I would like to quote here the saying from Mahatma Gandhi: "A sign of a good leader is not how many followers you have but how many leaders you create." Real power comes by empowering people, thus, "leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others". 

Trust is empowerment. Connection and trust are the foundation of any relationship, as well as leadership and building community. I've learned that building trust, building community is a 2-way process of mutual respect, active listening, compassion, inclusive walk and communication, sincerity, transparency, even opening to vulnerability, keeping one's integrity, constructing safe place for sharing, holding space for dialogue, sharing meals, embracing diversity, story telling, togetherness...

I've learned that being model is important. We have to be what we want our community to be. And building community is like constructing a garden. We should be patient, have adaptive leadership and smart flexibility. Community is evolved along the journey, organically. We hold space for emergence. We do our best, our job is planting seeds, no forcing and let time ripen them.

I've learned about collective leadership - diverse and inclusive leadership at all levels of the ecosystem versus individual leadership. It is a shift from "leader of followers" to "self leader", from setting vision and directing to aligning purpose and action, from control and planning to adaptive action learning, from exercising power to transparent power sharing, from leadership hierarchy to relational shared leadership, from centralized decision making to collective input and process, from personal claim or blame to group reflection and learning, from individual responsibility to group accountability, from individual intelligence to group creativity and wisdom. Collective leadership can take advantage from the gifts of all members in the community. I guess this collective leadership model will be more and more popular in the new age, as public awareness is more and more enhanced.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Reflection on Module 2 - Interpersonal Peace

I’ve learned that good and effective communication is essential for any healthy relationship. And being totally present, mindful, loving speech, compassionate and deep listening are keys in the art of communication.

"Beginning A New" is a practice from Plum Village that help revitalize relationships and reconciliation, which I found very powerful, magic and profound. The first and foremost important part in that is the step of "watering flowers", which is recognizing the beauty in the others and expressing it with gratitude to our partner. It is like seeing the best version in the others, appreciating all the good things that they have done for us. It is sincere praise of the others. Through "watering flowers", we awake the best in others as well as nurture the beauty inside us.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Teaching on Death

Lecture on Death from D.K's teaching, by Ms. Nicole Resciniti, Faculty of Esoteric Healing, Morya Federation Esoteric School, on 12.03.2022 for Vietnamese audience.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

How to lead tough conversations

An insightful TED's talk on conflict resolution, from Module 2 Interpersonal Peace Practice.

The three rules:

1. Move toward - not away from - the conflict.

Conflict is information, and handled well, conflict is an opportunity. Without conflicts, problems hide everywhere (big problems that we want to solve).

2. You don't know anything.

Ask questions about people's experiences and listen to what they say.

3. Keep quiet, especially in the beginning.

Conversations create the future. Whether or not we have them and how we have them is up to us.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Reflection on Module 1 - Personal Peace

River of Learning 

As we look forward to what’s next on our journey as peacebuilders, we also look back from where we have come. Please reflect on the following questions and write your responses in the discussion thread below.

Floating on the surface of the river: What are the key concepts and skills learned that you will take with you?

In the current of the river: How have you changed? How would you describe personal learnings that are important for you?

Down deep in the river: What are life-long learnings for you? What are essences of peacebuilding and learnings that you want to keep for a lifetime?

I am grateful for all sharings, connections at cohort calls and resources in the platform. I've learned that BEING PEACE is an essential element for bringing peace to the world, and thus taking care of myself for inner peace is important. And self-care can be in various ways, keeping a journal, listening to music, meditating, walking in nature, totally presence in the here and now... I've learned many different definitions of meditation such as focus, slowdown, connection to higher self, service, unite body and mind, kindness... I've learned body awareness as a kind of mindfulness in practice.  

As a full-time life-long learner, I am always excited to learn from school, from books, movies, songs, from my own experiences, from others. Life is a big school and everyone, everything can be my teacher.   

The essence of peace building and learning that I want to keep for a lifetime is self-reflection and mindfulness which could be in the form of daily meditation or keeping mindful in any task and activity throughout the days. I believe that only through self-reflection that we really learn something, and through mindfulness, connecting with our soul, our higherself that we can develop our wisdom.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

To our beloved Teacher

 Much love, admiration, deep gratitude and respect to our beloved Teacher Michael Robbins! May your journey ahead be full of Love and Light! 🙏🙏🙏💗💗💗

Tuija Robbins:"Michael passed on 8.17pm GMT, yes, on Regulus. Pluto on my Sun, Saturn on Michael's Mars, and Moon on my Pluto in Leo 29 degrees. His passing was beautiful, very beautiful. His face is calm, reflecting the peaceful departure. Blessings to you All!"

Quốc Khánh: "Thứ 5, 17/02/2022. Jupiter trong Pisces. Ngày hôm nay, một Linh Hồn Vĩ Đại đã trở về với Ashram của mình. Phụng sự viên điển hình của NGWS và người khởi xướng cũng như thúc đẩy không mệt mỏi tiến trình chuẩn bị cho sự Tái Lâm của Đức Christ. Linh Hồn của Thầy đã lựa chọn mặt trời Bảo Bình cho chu kỳ lâm phàm kế tiếp. Điều này cũng đồng nghĩa rằng Chân Thần sẽ sử dụng dấu hiệu Leo như điểm truyền chuyển nguồn năng lượng Tinh Thần hay Ý Chí Thiêng Liêng. Tam giác Sirius - Leo (Regulus - "The Heart of Lion") - Jupiter (Esoteric ruler  sun sign Aquarius) được tập trung trong Thánh Đoàn. Đây là đường lối năng lượng thiết yếu để nuôi dưỡng và mang lại những điều kiện cần thiết vốn sẽ cho phép nhân loại, dưới ảnh hưởng đều đặn của Thánh Đoàn, sẽ nhận cuộc điểm đạo đầu tiên, "sự giáng sinh của Christ" trong tâm. Sirius cai quản tất cả các cuộc điểm đạo. Leo, dấu hiện nhân tính nhất, với những ảnh hưởng nhằm chuẩn bị cho con người cuộc điểm đạo thứ nhất. Jupiter, hành tinh mang lại sự mở rộng tâm thức (định nghĩa cơ bản nhất của điểm đạo); Từ năng lượng Bảo Bình phát ra từ nội cảnh giới, thông qua Jupiter, tuôn đổ "nước của Sự Sống" và phóng rải "sự sống phong phú hơn", dẫn nhân loại vào Thiên Giới qua tiến trình điểm đạo. Sirius mang cung hai, Leo trong ba dấu hiệu hành lửa đóng góp cung hai, Jupiter có linh hồn cung hai, và là tác nhân truyền chuyển năng lượng cung hai chính ở trong thái dương hệ này. Đường lối cung hai Bác Ái – Minh Triết được liên kết với Thánh Đoàn. Lời báo hiệu về sự xuất hiện của một Avatar, một vị Chúa Từ Bi trong tương lai.
Chúng ta cùng nhìn vào sự tương ứng trong công việc của Thầy và tiến trình chuẩn bị cho sự Tái Lâm của Đức Christ. Ngài là Người Tiên Phong của Kỷ Nguyên Bảo Bình; Công việc mà Thầy đã thiết lập từ ngay trong kiếp vừa qua là Những người Tiên Phong của Ánh Sáng, được tiếp nối bởi năng lượng Bảo Bình trong kiếp tới. Ngài là Đấng Ban Phát Năng Lượng, mang lại "Sự Sống phong phú hơn", trong đó, các năng lượng khai ngộ được đến thông qua NGWS; Thầy là thành viên điển hình của NGWS, và những loại năng lượng được chuẩn bị cho kiếp sắp tới là trục năng lượng chính cho sự tuôn đổ “năng lượng sự sống phong phú hơn”. Ngài là "Đấng Nuôi Dưỡng Đàn Em Nhỏ" vốn là những người con của nhân loại đã sẵn sàng cho sự kích thích tâm thức khi họ chuẩn bị cho một cuộc điểm đạo để tiến vào trạng thái tinh thần sâu sắc hơn; Những tổ chức như SRI, MF được hình thành để chuẩn bị cho các trường nội môn trong tương lai, trong đó nhiệm vụ chính là kích thích tâm thức thông qua Minh Triết Ngàn Đời. Việc Thiết Lập những Liên Giao Chính Đáng trong Nhân Loại là một trong những mục tiêu cốt lõi trong Giáo Huấn của Đức Christ; Sự lan tỏa thiện chí là điều chúng ta dễ dàng nhận thấy và đáp ứng trong các dự án, các khóa huấn luyện mà Thầy thực hiện. Sự Hiển Lộ những Bí Nhiệm của Điểm Đạo, bằng cách tiết lộ Thiên Giới trên thế gian; là một trong những người Tiên Phong trên thế giới diễn giải và minh chứng về các Bí Nhiệm, và chính Thầy, đã thể hiện tiến trình này trong tư cách một Điểm Đạo Đồ.
Chúng ta đã quen thuộc với Thanh Gươm được treo đằng sau nơi Thầy làm việc, biểu tượng của Thanh Gươm Tinh Thần, vốn phân chia giữa cái chân và cái giả, Thầy đã tiến hành xuyên suốt công việc thiết yếu “giải tán Ảo Cảm”, nhiệm vụ cơ bản mà Đức Christ sẽ thực hiện khi Tái Lâm. Sự chuyển tiếp ở chu kỳ hiện tại của Thầy thật kỳ diệu, được Linh Hồn Thầy tiến hành đẹp đẽ theo quan điểm chiêm tinh và nội môn, tự thân nó đã chứng minh “Định Luật Luân Hồi”, vốn sẽ nổi bật trong Giáo Huấn của Đức Christ, đang vận hành tốt đẹp. Một cuộc đời đầy Linh Hứng, một cuộc đời thật đẹp!" 

This is the candle I have been holding since February 15, beginning of the Sacred Silent Vigil for our beloved Teacher, Michael David Robbins.

The impressive, beautiful and splendid Aquarian Solar Fire Ritual, composed by Michael David Robbins, which was played right after the exact Full Moon on 16.02.2022.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Flashback - VCIL Travel School 2019

Our VCIL Travel School in December 2019 in India and Thailand with the theme "Paradigm Shift towards New Stories". Wish I can write a whole book about it someday... 💖

Sunday, January 16, 2022

A Blessing for Leaders

An inspiring poem by John O'Donohue, from the welcome message at Peace Practice Alliance platform.

May you have the grace and wisdom to act kindly,
learning to distinguish between what is personal and what is not.

May you be hospitable to criticism.
May you never put yourself at the centre of things.
May you act not from arrogance but out of service.
May you work on yourself, building up and refining the ways of your mind.

May those who work for you know you see and respect them.
May you learn to cultivate the art of presence in order to engage with those who meet you.

When someone fails or disappoints you, may the graciousness with which you engage
be their stairway to renewal and refinement.

May you treasure the gifts of the mind through reading and creative thinking
so that you continue as a servant of the frontier
where the new will draw its enrichment from the old, and you never become functionary.

May you know the wisdom of deep listening, the healing of wholesome words,
the encouragement of the appreciative gaze, the decorum of held dignity,
the springtime edge of the bleak question.

May you have a mind that loves frontiers
so that you can evoke the bright fields that lie beyond the view of the regular eye.

May you have good friends to mirror your blind spots.
May leadership be for you a true adventure of growth.

- A Blessing for Leaders, John O'Donohue

Friday, January 14, 2022

Joining Peace Practice Alliance 2022 Cohort

After the interview in December, I am happy to be accepted and ready to join the Peace Practice Alliance 2022 Cohort!

"The Peace Practice Alliance holds space for emerging peacebuilders to deeply connect, learn, reflect, and gain resources and certification with similarly visionary leaders around the world to further their peace leadership practices. Organized by Euphrates Institute, the Peace Practice Alliance program cultivates and nourishes communities of peace leaders."

PPA, transparent, no noise.png

Announcing the Peace Practice Alliance 2022 Cohort!

"We are excited to announce our new cohort of peace leaders for the 2022 Peace Practice Alliance (PPA)! We have 30 participants joining us from 17 countries around the world from Afghanistan to Vietnam, Nigeria to Palestine, and so many more. This cohort will once again be supported by a group we call our Learning Committee, six global thought leaders and the Euphrates team.

Over the next six months the 2022 cohort will join together heart to heart, cultivating and nourishing this community of peace leaders. Rich in resources and deep connection, the PPA deepens the practice of peace leadership within ourselves and in our relationships with each other. We look forward to learning, growing, and practicing together.

We invite you to get to know these beautiful leaders by visiting our site to read short bios on each participant."

~ Euphrates Institute ~

More about the program: https://www.euphrates.org/peacepracticealliance 

Here is our 2022 cohort: https://www.euphrates.org/ppa-2022 Can you find me there? I am listed as "Thùy" (Thuy Duong Pham), though it is not really my given name (Thuy Duong as it should be, but it's ok). ;)

Completed the South and Southeast Asian Green Leaders Academy program

Just received the certificate of completion signed by Patrick Arnold (CEO and Founder of 10 billion strong) for the South and Southeast Asian Green Leaders Academy program (October - December 2021). https://www.tenbillionstrong.org Love their Leadership Philosophy and Theory of Change, which really resonate with the leadership development fellowship journey that I have been through at Teach for Vietnam. Just would like to quote them here as a reminder for myself.

10 Billion Strong - Theory of Change

We work for long-term sustainability through a portfolio of programs which create opportunities for young people across the world to learn, connect, and act on critical environmental issues.

Our short-term goals are to educate youth and to drive immediate impact in communities through sustainability-focused action and policy changes at the community level. By harnessing the power of networks and collective action to share information, ideas, support, and best practices can flow from community to community.

Our longer impact will be achieved by developing leaders who can champion sustainability efforts, no matter what career track they take or location they live in. By investing in youth, and creating lifelong support networks, our community will have sustained impact across all sectors, including business, government, labor, and nonprofit organizations.

Leadership Philosophy

At 10 Billion Strong, we have three core pillars that define our leadership philosophy. First, we believe that anyone can be a leader and that leadership isn’t a position, but rather a set of actions. Second, we believe that the best leaders are those that work to create other leaders. Finally, we believe that leadership is a life-long process of constant improvement and self-reflection.

Culture Manifesto

Collective Action - We believe that our work is amplified through collaboration with others and that with a shared vision, we can create change at scale. 

Everyone a Leader - Our community supports all people to develop the belief and ability that leadership can be initiated by anyone, regardless of title or position. We also believe that everyone can and should teach and share. 

Systems Practice - We know that understanding and leveraging systems is the key to effecting meaningful changes. We actively work to think "big picture" and find the most effective methods for impact.

Strength Through Diversity - Our shared challenges cannot be solved by a small group speaking and acting for the rest of the world. We value and insist on authentic inclusion, which acknowledges historical legacies of power and privilege, for a new vision of true collaboration. 

​Imagine the Potential - Too many environmental movements focus on doom and gloom, fire and floods. Instead, we seek to imagine a bright and bold future that is uplifting and inspiring. 

Nothing for Us, Without Us - This simple statement carries a lot of weight. Embedded in it are the values of inclusion, humility, respect for local input, and authentic collaboration.