Sunday, October 11, 2020

QU2. 230 The Kingdoms in Nature

Updated with comments from Mentor on 05.11.2020

230.1 The 5th Kingdom

What is the 5th kingdom of Nature?

The 5th kingdom of Nature is the spiritual kingdom, which is also called the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Souls. The Hierarchy is the living essence of this kingdom.

Correct– (except the Kingdom of God is the 6th Kingdom in nature, which includes the Solar Logos).

a. What are its characteristics?

The 5th kingdom of Nature is characterised by group consciousness/soul consciousness/Christ consciousness and love - wisdom, the second aspect of Divinity.

Exactly right.

b. What part did Jesus play in promoting its manifestation within humanity?

Jesus played an important role as the embodiment of Christ consciousness descending the first time on Earth to initiate the great work of the Divine Plan. He sacrificed His Life to fulfil the Plan, which is bringing Heaven to Earth, realizing the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Right. It’s interesting that Jesus is actually, quote, “an adept on the sixth ray under the department of the Mahachohan, works at present under the Christ for the welfare of Christianity.”– IHS:47

230.2 The Mineral Kingdom

We are told that “The secrets of transmutation are the true secrets of (the mineral) kingdom and the two words expressing the process and the secret are condensation and transmutation.” (EP I 222) Please define or describe transmutation:

a. The processes of transmutation as it occurs in atoms associate with the work of alchemists and the changing of inner structures of atoms that lead to producing a different kind of atoms or substances. This involves 3 stages of (1) fiery disintegration of form, (2) resolving and (3) volating, taking a new form.

b. As it is used in conjunction with the work of the Hierarchy. We can see here the analogy of transmutation in the work of the Hierarchy, which is supporting the transmutation of our Planet Earth into a higher state of being. In this work, every man is like an atom unit of our planet. And thus, each transformation of one single person contributes to the shift of the whole planet.

Transmutation is specifically concerned with the ‘three sheaths’– the third, or form aspect of humanity, though not just with the physical body. For example, we can transmute the quality of our thoughts and desires through meditation.

230. 3 The Vegetable Kingdom

What are the rays and attributes of the vegetable kingdom and why is it important that this should be our source of food more than the mineral or animal kingdom?

The rays of the vegetable kingdom are ray 2, ray 4 and ray 6. Its attributes are magnetism, beauty, attractiveness and perfume. Vegetables should be our source of food rather than minerals or animals because of the following reasons:

Compassion for animals as they have more subtle emotional bodies that can experience pain.

Avoiding the karma of killing.

Vegetables draw their energy directly from the sun, water and the earth and thus they are full of prana as food and good for health.

Vegetarianism is a way of purification for the physical body.

Vegetarianism helps in reducing environmental problems caused by livestock farming.

Correct on the rays– and I totally agree with the reasons you give for vegetarianism!

230.4 The Animal Kingdom

a. Discuss the analogy and correspondences of the NGWS to domesticated animals.

There is an analogy in the relationships of the New Groups of World Servers (NGWS) and Humanity vs. the domesticated animals and the Animal World. 

They are both the advanced groups in levels of consciousness as compared to fellows in their own kingdoms.

They are both the linking bridges between their kingdoms and the next higher kingdoms. The NGWS is the linking bridge between the Hierarchy (the 5th kingdom) and Humanity (the 4th kingdom); while domesticated animals are the linking bridge between Humanity (the 4th kingdom) and the animal kingdom (the 3th kingdom).

The mode of communications in their rapports are both related to telepathy. The rapport established between the NGWS and the soul kingdom is intuitional telepathy by nature, through the heart chakras; while the rapport between domesticated animals and humanity is instinctual telepathy through solar plexus chakras.

Exactly right. Also, both groups have an allegiance/identification with the next higher kingdom.

b.  What role does the 6th ray play in advancing consciousness from one kingdom to the next? 

The role that the 6th idealism ray plays in advancing consciousness from one kingdom to the next is that it brings about the aspiration to grow towards an ideal archetype. This is the urge to evolve, to advance to higher levels of consciousness.

Correct. DK says,“The sixth Ray of Devotion embodies the principle of recognition. By this I mean the capacity to see the ideal reality lying behind the form; this implies a one-pointed application of desire and of intelligence in order to produce an expression of that sensed idea.”

This leads to transmutation, and eventual transformation.

Good job, Daisy!



Monday, March 30, 2020

QU2. 220 Manas and the 5th Principle

Updated with Mentor's comments on April 13, 2020.

220.1 Manas, Consciousness, Sentiency

Elaborate on the following two adages: 
a. “The mind is the slayer of the real.” 
b. “The mind is the revealer of the real.” 
c. If one of these false and the other correct? Or are both false? Or are both correct? Offer your interpretation. 

The mind can be both the slayer and the revealer of the real. 

The excessive focus of consciousness on the lower-mind may exclude and ignore feelings, intuition and spiritual aspects. This arrogant propensity builds up a thick veil of concrete thoughtforms, which can distort the true interpretation of reality and hinder downflow inspiration from higher planes. In this case, the lower-mind becomes an agent of cleavage and illusion, and thus, the slayer of the real.

The mind only reveals when the personality is purified, integrated and soul-infused. When the analytic-lowermind and the abstract-highermind are synthetically bridged, and the mind can be illuminated by the light of the soul, it becomes the clear and holistic channel for true interpretation of reality. JC: Exactly Daisy. The distinction between the lower and higher mind is here described. 

220.2  Manas or Mind

Given a reasonable understanding of the functions of each of the five levels of mind. How would you assign planets or combinations of planets to each of these five levels? Offer your reasoned justification in each case.

The five levels of mind are (1) kama-manas or desire mind, (2) concrete mind, (3) the Soul, (4) abstract mind, (5) the transcendental mind (Buddhi).

1. Kama-manas or desire mind

Kama-manas is the emotional body tinged faintly with mind, the desire-will of the lower man. It involves the astral reactions and the lower psychic nature. It can cause the problem of glamour when mental illusion is intensified by desire (illusion on the astral plane). As the elimination of desire is brought about by conscious eliminating, emotion can be sublimated through the medium of thought. And thought, with its discriminating and analysing functions, makes us aware of the glamour and beams a clear light into the mist of the astral plane. When glamour and illusion are overcome, kama-manas disappears, the astral body fades out in the human consciousness and there is no desire left for the separated self. Self-consciousness becomes group consciousness. Kama-manas with its lower desire would be elevated into its higher spiritual correspondence, which is the desire to serve and the great and final desire for liberation. 

I would assign the Moon for kama-manas because this level of mind still deals much with desire and feelings, which are under the realm of the Moon. Your assignment of the moon to kamas-manas is interesting and so also, I would consider Mars as lower and Neptune as being transformative in the higher spiritual aspects of ray six and the emotional body however in EA 649 Saturn rules Kamas manas in the exoteric sense.

2. Concrete mind (Lower-mind, form building faculty)

The concrete mind relates to the Knowledge petals of the egoic lotus, expressing itself through the 5th ray of Concrete Science. It is the higher aspect of the lower self and the lower reflection of the Will aspect of Divinity. Main functions of this mind level are discrimination, form building and eventually being the searchlight of the soul. Strong development of the concrete mind is necessary and still an evolutionary goal for most people in the world. The lower mind can be brought under control through the processes of concentration. And through conscious, creative work, it can be connected to the higher abstract mind.

It should be noted that intense activity of concrete mind may deter the downflow of inspiration and shut out the higher illumination. Moreover, the imbalance development of the concrete mind which neglects the heart can cause illusion with the tendency of separation. This is the case of the sayings “Mind separates, love attracts” and “Mind disrupts and destroys whilst love produces coherence and heals.”

Mercury is assigned for this level of mind as it rules analysis, thinking and general mental functions.

3. The Soul 

There are many names for this level of mind, including the Son of Mind, the Ego, the Solar Angel, the Inner Identity, the Inner Ruler, the Son of God, the Higher Self, the Thinker, the Agnishvatta… It is the product of the thought of the Universal Mind, the thinking, perceiving, discriminating, analysing identity or spiritual entity. It is characterized by pure mind, pure reason, pure love and pure will. Its nature is love, its acts are wise, and its motive is group development. The Soul expresses itself most fully through the Love petals of the egoic lotus, its innate being. 

Through dedicated and devoted service, it brings the Divine Plane into activity. The Soul is the point of unification of both concrete and abstract intelligences. At the 3rd initiation of Transfiguration, the concrete mind is taken place by the Soul. And through the Law of Sacrifice, the personality is liberated and becomes an agent of the Soul.

Both Mercury and Venus are assigned for this level of mind. Mercury is the synthesis of manas-buddhi and mind-wisdom, ruling the bridge of the Antahkarana. On the other hand, Venus in its higher, esoteric aspect rules pure love-wisdom. As the Soul is the point of unification, it relates to both Mercury and Venus. Venus also represents the Solar Angel.

4. Abstract mind (Higher-mind, pattern building faculty)

The abstract mind is also called the Higher mind. It is the lowest aspect of the Spiritual Triad and reveals itself through the 1st ray of Will and Power. It energises the Will petals (Sacrifice)

The abstract mind deals with the blue prints upon which the forms are modelled. It is brought into conscious functioning through the building of the Antahkarana. When the abstract mind is developed and sensitive, it can become the seed of the Spiritual Will, which involves responsiveness to divine purpose and is responsible for the emergence of the Plan. The Hierarchy reaches the minds of disciples through the abstract mind.

I would assign Jupiter for this level of mind as it is the ruler for higher education, for philosophy, and higher mind in astrology.

5. The transcendental mind (Buddhi)

The transcendental mind is the Intuition, the Christ principle, the combination of Buddhi-Manas or intuitive spiritual understanding and the higher abstract mind. It is the power to comprehend intangible, to understand immediately without conscious reasoning. Intuition is also considered the innate recognition of the lower aspect of the Divine Plan. It is the faculty which enables man to enter into contact with the Universal Mind and grasp divine ideas and the Plan synthetically.

I would assign Neptune for this level of mind as Neptune rules intuition, compassion (Buddhi heart) and spirituality.

220.3 Sublevels of the Mind

What, in essence, distinguishes one mental subplane from another? 

Vibration is slower on the lower planes and higher on the higher planes. In essence, we can distinguish one mental subplane from another by their corresponding faculties as listed in the following table: 

Mental Plane faculties                  Subplane                 form/less           Sense

Spiritual telepathy                         1st subplane           formless

Response to group vibration         2nd subplane          formless

Spiritual discernment                    3rd subplane           formless             Smell

Discrimination                              4th subplane           form                   Taste

Higher clairvoyance                     5th subplane           form                    Sight

Planetary psychometry                 6th subplane           form                   Touch

Higher clairaudience                     7th subplane            form                  Hearing        

What is the difference in the thinking process of an individual focussed primarily on the four higher subplanes of the mental plane from the process of one focussed primarily on the lowest subplane of the buddhic plane? 

The difference in the thinking processes of one focussed primarily on the four higher subplanes of the mental plane (1) and one focussed primarily on the lowest subplane of the buddhic plane (2) are: 

The thinking process of the 1st one would relate to the faculties of corresponding mental subplanes such as discrimination, spiritual discernment, response to group vibration and spiritual telepathy. On the other hand, the thinking process of the 2nd one would relate to the faculties of corresponding buddhic subplanes such as comprehension, healing and divine vision (see “Evolution of Man’s Senses” chart below). 

While both these processes are soul-influenced, the thinking process of the 1st one is of abstract higher mind nature, surpassing the lower mind (1), while the thinking process of the 2nd one is of buddhic or intuition reason, stimulating the emotional nature (2).  Your response to .3 on the subplanes of mind is excellent indeed.

220.4 Three Minds Unite

Why is manas as expressed upon the systemic mental plane divided into three parts?

We have seen many triple or three-fold symbols in the Universe that it is almost a characteristic of Nature: The Yin, Yang and the relationship between them; the positive, negative and neutral, the Trinity, the three lower bodies of man, the Spiritual Triad. And thus, as natural as it is, we have the three-fold manas, composed of the concrete-mind, the abstract-mind and the Soul - as the point of unification, connecting the lower and the higher. These three minds, on their turns, also become the bridge between the lower man (personality) with his Monad through the Spiritual Triad, manifesting the triple correspondings from all three levels (personality, Ego, Monad). 

4 shows you have a reasonable understanding of the question. Many thanks for these responses, Daisy. In shared service, J.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

QU2. 210. Glamour and the Astral Plane

Updated with Mentor's comments 

Meditation 200

200.1 and 200.2 Review 

I do meditations everyday according to the schedule of QU2. Beside these, I also do the triangle meditation with my groups of 3 and join in the Esoteric United Nation meditation work. We, the Vietnamese students who join the Esoteric United Nation work, have formed a group on facebook to share information about each country on the list as well as thoughts and insights that we have learned and contemplated along the journey.  

200.3 The Law of Sacrifice 

Ponder deeply on the nature of the Law of Sacrifice.

Why is this law the very first law of the soul?
Why is sacrifice so necessary upon our planet and within our solar system?
Envision yourself living the spiritually sacrificial life.
Envision humanity imbued by the necessary for sacrifice and living more sacrificially.

The Law of Sacrifice is the very first law of the Soul because it’s related to Love, one quality of the Soul. Sacrifice is an expression of love which is love made visible. Sacrifice is so necessary upon our planet and within our solar system because the ray force of this planet and our solar system is the 2nd ray of Love and Wisdom. And thus, the main spiritual lesson of our lives on earth is love and expressing love through sacrificing for others, seeing others as no different with ourselves. Humanity now is at the stage of evolution moving from self-consciousness to group consciousness or soul consciousness, which concerns the mass awakening of the Oneness Truth. This would refer to the deeper meaning of “sacrifice” - “to make sacred”, as seeing the divine nature in all things, expanding our consciousness and the concept of self to embrace others and recognizing the interconnectedness of all. 

Living more sacrificially, humanity would have shifted from self-interest (the selfish tendency of personalities) to group consciousness (soul consciousness) and thus overcome the glamour of separateness. The world would be a much better place with more harmony and love.

Study 210. Glamour and the Astral Plane

210.1 The Nature of Glamour
Contrast Maya, Glamour and Illusion and discuss the manner in which each contributes to the ‘World Problem’. 

Glamour is the common term used for all the three Maya, Glamour and Illusion. It describes the deception, misinterpretation, distortion of truth and a defected perception of reality due to the limitations of human consciousness. Each term of these three is related to each scope of their influences, in terms of the people affected and the planes of their operation.
Maya is associated to the glamour on the etheric plane. Maya is the result of both glamour and illusion, mostly because of feelings without thoughts. Thus Maya affects nearly all people in the world. JC: The illusion of ‘deva force and substance’.
Glamour, specifically is on the astral plane. Therefore glamour presently is the problem of the world as most people in the world are now have their consciousness focusing on the astral or emotional level. JC: Very true, Daisy. I tend to agree with your thoughts on this topic. It is also true to say that all seven rays have their inverted and lower aspect that can lead to wrong identification and interpretation. Daisy, you make valid points and answer concisely. Good work. 
and Illusion is the glamour upon the lower mental plane. Thus, Illusion is more related to the intellect and highly developed people, even accepted disciples.

a. Which do you think is most severe and why?
In my humble opinion, I suppose that Glamour is currently the most severe in the world, not by its nature, but by the large scale of people affected. And it is also the current mission of our Aryan race to overcome this glamour and moving forward.

b. Which do you think is least severe and why?
I guess that Illusion is the least severe at the moment in the world, also not by its nature, but because only the smaller amount of people who are highly developed enough to be its victims.

210.2 The Glamours of the Seven Rays
It is possible to have glamours on all the seven rays? Please explain. Are there some rays which incline less towards the appearance of glamour and some rays which incline more? Please explain.

Yes, I think it is possible to have glamours on all the 7 rays. 

There are some rays which incline less toward the appearance of glamour such as ray 1, 3, 5. Because it is easier for these people to use their concrete minds in analysis, critical thinking, such as the scientific mind of ray 5, which is more objective. However, they may incline to get the glamours of separateness and illusion.

Some rays which incline more toward the appearance of glamour are ray 4 and 6, because of their passion and strong emotions…JC: A precise answer is given, Daisy. Ray 4 has the problem of persons bringing down their illusions and enveloping them with glamour. That must be especially tough to deal with.

210.3 The Scope of Glamour: Individual Glamour, Group Glamour, National Glamour, World Glamour
What are some of the major glamours which have emerged during history as you understand it?

Some of the major glamours which have emerged during history are the glamour of materiality, the glamour of separateness and the glamour of intellect.

The glamour of materiality is closely linked with consumerism, materialism and capitalism, which is the prevailing mainstream around the world, leading to environmental degradation, social broken and economic crisis. Hopefully, there are more and more awaken people who are realizing these issues and contribute to alternative living and ways of life for a better world. JC: From the point of view of the Master's capitalism is not bad in itself it is the extremes of which it is used by greedy and evil people. Capitalism has brought much uplift to many in humanity compared to extreme or pure socialism which usually brings vastly greater poverty and neglect. A mixture of the two is advised by DK and the balance is proving hard to maintain. Consumerism finds even average people guilty and greedy and even capitalists in the negative sense. Consumerism and capitalism in their extreme implementation does bring environmental degradation and this is compounded by extreme overpopulation as the teachings explain. The planet is overstrained. The extreme herd instinct of humanity has run amock and over busyness of all lives within all lives bring virus and as the Tibetan states, ‘bodily discomfort’ through contagion. 

The glamour of separateness and hatred, which is the cause of many wars, racism along history.

The glamour of intellect, which is the overconfidence in technology and empirical science to solve all problems of the world and that comes with the ignorance of ancient and indigenius wisdom…

210.4 Dissipation of Glamour 
Why is mental energy used in the dissipation of glamour but not, particularly, soul energy?

Mental energy is used in the dissipation of glamour but not soul energy because using the soul energy to deal directly with glamour may lead to an intensification of the problem. More importantly, it is the perception of concrete truth or facts, knowledge and clear thinking, calm, dispassionate attitude, analysising, discrimination, right thought, which all are functions of mental mind, that can stabilize the emotional nature and free one from glamour. 

Re .4 Yes, Daisy, control of the emotional stability is wrought by the direct fire of mind whereas soul energy does not dry up the mists and fogs of glamour but creates added vapours and mists. This concludes your 210 work. Well done. In shared service, JC.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

VCIL Travel School 2019


How was your experience of the Prerna programme in Auroville?

The time in Auroville was my most favorite of the whole trip. We are so grateful to all that we have received from the Prerna programme. We really appreciate your organizing and planning with lots of love and care. It was such an amazing and inspiring learning experience with diverse activities, interactions, reflections. 

What touched you the most?

It was the Silence Day with visiting Matrimandir, cycling in the forest and mindful dinner at Goyos. The whole day was so impressive to me, especially the precious and sacred time in Matrimandir. I felt connected to the Mother, the Universe, the Source, the deepest wellspring of inner peace. I felt embraced by Divine Love and that my prayer would be answered. I was so touched and my tears dropped when I hugged the big banyan tree there.

How helpful was the programme in your learning journey?

The programme is greatly helpful for me since I'm interested in and would like to do something on education for sustainability and moreover, spiritual development and psychic education in the future. I love the ideals of Integral Education and New Economy that Mother and Sri. Aurobindo developed. Reflecting on all the themes, I can "connect the dots", recognizing the interrelation among Education, Economics, Sustainability, Spirituality, seeing bigger picture and realizing the profound philosophy behind.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the Aurovillian people that we met and to the super cool organizing team. 

With Love,


Gandhi Ashram (updated on 10.02.2021)

Only one day in Gandhi Ashram, and we’ve learned the big lesson of Love. 

After a long day travelling, we arrived in Ahmedabad late at night and were warmly welcomed for dinner at Sevas Cafe. It was amazing to learn about “gift culture” and to experience it firsthand here. The Cafe was one of Karma Kitchen - “Pay it forward” models, run totally by volunteers. There was no price for any food and drinks. Someone before had already paid for you, and it is up to you to pay how much as you wish for some other after. The volunteers treated us like brothers and sisters and made us feel at home. The energy there was full of love and goodwill. 

We’ve learned to open our hearts more and be able to trust others. 
We’ve learned that when our heart is full of love, service comes naturally and life becomes a service to others. 

As like attracts like, 
love attracts love, 
trust attracts trust, 
goodwill attracts goodwill. 

We’ve learned that love creates family and love expands. 

And from Gandhi, the beautiful and great soul of India, we’ve learned that activism should be rooted in love, not creating difference and separation. “My life is my message”, his famous saying inspires us to “live our messages.” 

How love can be the guidance?
How can we build the society on the base of love?