Thursday, April 20, 2017

GQ2: 4 Aries Meditation and Study Report - Esoteric Psychology 2

2. Psychology Problems - [over] "Stimulation"

Study: we continue our study of Esoteric Psychology, this month studying "STIMULATION" problems, those caused by the invocation of spiritual force through meditation. "Meditation" in this case can apply to concentrated mental focus on a topic not necessarily spiritual. The problem is caused by intense mental focus, that draws in fiery energies, that the receiving fields are unaccustomed to. This disrupts their normal rhythm.

Raja Yoga Meditation: this month we study RULE three - FIERY ASPIRATION. This fire serves to purify our nature and is like a spiritual accelerant, hastening the rate of our spiritual evolution. However, if we draw in too much fire, more that the bodies can handle, over-stimulation occurs.

Q1.      What is the difference between “energy” and “force” as understood esoterically. And why then should this soul energy pouring in, cause the various problems which we group under the heading “stimulation”?
The difference between ‘energy’ and ‘force’ esoterically:
·         ‘Energy’ refers to activity of the spiritual realms and of spiritual entities as the soul.
·         ‘Force’ refers to activity of the form and of the physical entities in the physical plane.
Energy:  Energy is neutral, neither positive nor negative. When energy interacts with a substance of some kind, it becomes qualified according to the vibration level of this substance. Soul for instance, is a vibrating center of energy.  Soul energy is expressed in its pure quality when our personality substance has been purified no longer diminishes or distorts it.
When energy moves through denser substance (what we call form) it becomes force.
Soul energy pouring causes various problems of stimulation because soul energy is of higher vibration and that can speed up the atoms composing the personality’s lower bodies. If the personality’s vehicles are not purified enough or adjusted properly to adopt this higher vibration inpouring, reactions can occur.

Q2.      You are given brief fictional experiences of eleven people, each of whom suffers from one or other of the variations of the problem “stimulation”. Choose 3 of the examples. For each person, identify the problem/s that you think that person is suffering from; giving the symptoms that justify your choice. Then briefly, the therapy required for each.
1. Judith
The psychological problem that Judith is suffering from is Mental Extrovert (intense mind stirring up desire nature). The symptoms are talking non-stop, not being still, racing around going to this meeting and that lecture, not being stable emotionally with up and down and exhausting being around her.
Suggested therapy:
-          Practice mindfulness techniques, especially mindful listening and mindful speaking.
-          Meditate for inner peace and for connecting with her own soul and developing wisdom.
Stimulation - Illumination - over-activity of the mind in its four expressions - strain on the system, a new phenomenal world disrupts
2. James
The psychological problem that James is suffering from is Sectarianism, rigidly adhering to a set of doctrines (anti-meat-eating) and intolerant of other views. The symptoms are lecturing everyone on every occasion, criticising them for not supporting his views and for not eliminating meat from their diets.
Suggested therapy:
-          Some wise, patient and inclusive person should present to him a wider vision for being more tolerant and respecting different views of others.
-          Meditate to connect with his own soul to develop wisdom for a more holistic vision.
Stimulation - illumination - Illusion. Characterises those who are more intellectual than emotional. It is the misunderstanding of ideas and thought forms, and of misinterpretations. Victims can become controlled by thoughtforms, which produce separation, divisiveness and fanaticism

3. Anne
Anne is suffering from the psychological problem of Guidance. The main sources of this can be: contact made with thought forms on the mental or astral planes, then interpreted as instructions coming from an enlightened source, Voice of God; the subconscious "wish life" may be brought to the surface, and interpreted as extraneous guidance and as being the Voice of God; or latent spiritual aspirations and tendencies from previous lives, brought to the surface through group stimulation, and regarded as being divine injunctions from God.  
The symptoms are talking often about receiving special messages from Jesus, relying on this advice to the extent that she won’t use her God given mind to think problems through or to act without the voice speaking to her; believing that she is one of God’s special people, chosen to ascend into heaven at Judgment Day. 
Suggested therapy:
-          Develop critical thinking and careful analytic thinking to evoke the intellectual mind
-          Reject all contacts or messages that feed the ego and the sense of being superior or special.
-          Cultivate a spirit of true humility
Stimulation - illumination - Illusion. Characterises those who are more intellectual than emotional. It is the misunderstanding of ideas and thought forms, and of misinterpretations. Victims can become controlled by thoughtforms, which produce separation, divisiveness and fanaticism

Q3.      What have you personally gained in your understanding about yourself and others, as a result of this two month study of psychology problems from an esoteric perspective?
Esoteric Psychology is really profound and it has opened my mind a lot, bringing to me awareness on many psychological problems. Especially most interesting to me are the problems of integration and stimulation, as without studying, I would not be able to consider it as ‘problems’. These again remind me of critical thinking, of careful discrimination among illusion, glamour and maya, of being modest and of the middle way, the way of balance and avoid going to any extremes.
I’ve learned that the key to solve these psychological problems is through meditation, discipline and service. Only when the character is purified, the physical body is fit and the person is free from personality control, then the lower vehicles can integrate with alignment the higher vibration inpouring energy from the soul and can express properly the soul’s guidance without distortion and misinterpretation.
Again, good understanding and interpretation. It’s always good to hear that these studies have impacted you and left you with greater understanding.


1.         What was the Raja Yoga meditation theme this month?
The Raja Yoga meditation theme of this time was Nijama/Rule 3 – Fiery Aspiration
2.         What insights did you gain in your Raja Yoga meditations this month?
For me, the fiery aspiration is like the warrior spirit of strong courage, enthusiasm and perseverance, a ‘never-give-up’ attitude; focusing towards the ideal and no difficulties can depress it. Somehow, this reminds me of the Labor of Hercules in Scorpio, the fight with Hydra. We know that it is not easy to walk on the path and for sure there would be a lot of challenges. We must be willing to "bear the cross," to "enter the fire," to "die daily," so that our burning desire of the fiery aspiration can throw a fierce light upon our problems, and constitute the purification furnace into which all impurities of our lower-selves may be burned out, and all hindrances may be destroyed.
“Only when this quality has been developed and proved and when it is found that no problem, no darkness and no time element can hinder, is a man permitted to become the disciple of some Master.” This teaching does encourage, empower and inspire me to become more enduring on my own journey along the path.
Daisy, as I have taught Raja Yoga I have acquired many notes on this subject. I will share them with you.

The Sanskrit word has no exact English translation.  It combines a number of qualities: purification, self-discipline, austerity – will factors, all for the purposes of purifying the lower nature so the higher nature can rule supreme.

Although fiery aspiration may result in discipline/austerities, it does not necessarily need to be so.

Fiery aspiration is born of the relationship between the soul and the astral nature. That relationship is primary.

The soul seeks first to contact the astral/emotional self, to inspire it (breathe into it), to raise its quality through the higher more inclusive emotions, such as caring, calmness, nurturing.

It should always be remembered that the will is aligned with the mind; the soul is aligned with the astral body and the emotions. Yet the lower correspondence of the will is desire.

The fires are -  first the fires of emotions - passion, devotion; then the fire of the mind becomes an equal part of the process. Then inspiration becomes aspiration.

Aspiration is to move out of the current state of affairs, to raise oneself up and out of the mundane.

To be inspired is to be moved kama-manasically (desire/emotion-mind).  Inspiration, however, moves one forward, and out of matter's embrace.

Does passion ever die? Or does it become transduced, like a lightning bolt being harnessed to become usable electricity?

When fiery aspirations are truly a mixture of emotion/mind (kama-manas), with the mind taking a larger percentage, a disciple is born.

With kama-manas is in equality or kama slightly more, one is still an aspirant – because the astral is dominant not the mental.

When the fires of the will blend with passion, dedication rules instead of devotion.

Why fiery aspiration? Is this necessary for treading the Way? Answer: Fire consumes.  Fiery aspiration consumes all that is in the way of soul, then in the way of spirit.

Thank you Daisy for your good work.

Light, Love and Power


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

GQ2: 3 Pisces Meditation and Study Report - Esoteric Psychology 1


1. Psychology Problems - "Cleavage and Integration"

Study: this month we begin a two month study of Esoteric Psychology. The goal for students is to gain an overview of this most interesting subject. The two basic causes of psychological problems (excepting those that are organic), are

1) A lack of development and control in the bodies of expression; and
2) misaligned and warring energies within these bodies (physical, emotional and mental).

DK said: "One point I feel the need definitely to re-emphasise and that is the necessity, when considering the human being and his expression and existence, to remember that we are really considering energy, and the relation or non-relation of forces." Esoteric Psychology II 424
This month we focus on the problems of "CLEAVAGE" and "INTEGRATION".

Raja Yoga Meditation: the second RULE is CONTENTMENT. An important direction, and with detachment, the primary antidote to suffering. As long as we keep reaching outside of ourselves for happiness, we suffer. The cultivation of contentment in our life and relationships, is a key to peace and happiness


Q1       According to Bailey, all human beings (beneath the level of initiate perhaps), are prone to certain psychological problems, caused by misaligned or clashing energies, or the relation or non-relation of force. These can cause physical difficulties. In terms of energy, please
a. describe the nature of each of the three problems of CLEAVAGE, INTEGRATION, STIMULATION, how each problem arises as a result of what is happening at an energetic level.
The nature of three psychological problems and how they arise:
·         Cleavage:  is the division within a man’s nature, such as “split personality”. Cleavage arises when there is conflict between different parts of his nature, such as within the astral body itself, or between the mental body and the emotional body, or between his personality and his soul.
Yes. It’s being here but wanting to be there.

·         Integration: is the sense of great power, which may lead to being selfish, dominant, sure of himself and full of arrogance. Integration arises after cleavage bridging and achieving synthesis, resulting in an inflow of unaccustomed energy which may lead to egomania, narcissism, fanaticism or over development of the sense of direction or vocation. 
Yes it can do that, but integration by its very nature is assimilating or incorporating aspects of oneself, realizations that one has, which lead to an inflow of energies or a sense of wellbeing. These then can result in a greater sense of power and lead to your description above.

·         Stimulation: is the overstimulation of a man’s nature, which may lead to disruption of normal life rhythms and perception. Stimulation arises by intense inpouring of energy. In mentally developed people, stimulation problems from intense mental activity can be sectarianism, rigid-mind, self-obsession, mental introvert or extrovert. In emotional people lacking discrimination, overstimulation may lead to glamour, illusion, and distorted reality.
Yes again. The description above is a general overstimulation of the man’s nature. In spiritual work we have seen overstimulation can happen to any of the vehicles or to the centers through meditation and the inflow of new energies.
b. Then - again in terms of energy, how these three problems differ from each other.
In terms of energy, these three problems differ from each other as:
·         Cleavage is the problem of energy divisions because of a lack of adjustment between various parts of a man’s nature.

·         Integration is the problem of energy swings after cleavage healing.  

·         Stimulation is the problem of overstimulation of energy by intense inpouring of energy.
Good response, Daisy.

Q2       For each person in the 3 examples, identify the problem/s that you think that person is suffering from; then briefly give advice to help restore right balance.
1. Jane - the emotional recluse
The problem that Jane is suffering from is the division within the astral body itself and this causes a cleavage between Jane and her environment. She lives a reclusive life, feeling rejected by people and having difficulty in relating with or understanding others.
Advice to help restore right balance for Jane:
-          Understanding that “this too shall pass”, letting go and that time will heal all wounds
-          Talking to beloved ones
-          Regulating diet and doing exercise to get fit
-          Cultivating self-love and compassion for others through loving-kindness meditation
-          Connecting to the Soul, the Universe, the Source of Love, Energy and Spirit through mindfulness techniques like deep breathing, meditation
-          Experience time with Nature
-          Channeling energy into new activities
-          Helping others, doing volunteer or other meaningful works
Cleavage - primarily within the astral body. This brings about a cleavage between a person and his environment, so that life is feared and there is great difficulty relating with or understanding others; she may be anti-social or unpopular.

2. Handsome Carl
Carl is suffering from the psychological problem of integration, which leads to narcissism and too much focus on appearance.
Advice to help restore right balance for Carl:
-          Watching the recent movie “Beauty and the Beast”
-          Contemplation on the impermanent of form, of outer beauty; meditation on old age and death (corpse meditation)
-          Cultivating the inner beauty, qualities of the soul and the ability to see beyond the appearance
-          Developing social intelligence, empathy through the practice of mindfulness, increasing awareness of the thoughts and feelings of one’s self and others.
Integration – egomania - narcissism - extreme love of self.

3. Mark - torn between two worlds
Mark is suffering from the psychological problem of cleavage between himself and his life goal.
Advice to help restore right balance for Mark:
-          Continuing with meditation, diet, Raja Yoga disciplines as he is doing
-          Connecting to the Source, to the One Mind (Universal Mind) through meditation for getting the sense of Oneness, of interconnection in everyone and everything in life
-          Contemplation on the big picture, the inclusive vision that embraces cooperation rather than competition.
Cleavage - between a man and his soul. This produces sequentially a dominant selfish personality, and then a practical mystic, conscious of the need for fusion and for unity.
You have understood these problems well and offered good advice. I’ve just added a bit more info from my notes.

Q3       These psychology problems beset all human beings at one time or another, in one life or another. Do you identify with one of the problems just covered? If so - which one, how did it affect you and what are you doing to overcome it?
I experienced the problem of cleavage within the astral body itself, depression of a broken heart. I felt drained out and depleted, losing the zest of life. At that time, I just wanted to disappear from the world, to escape to somewhere far away.
I overcame that through acceptance, forgiveness and letting go, through meditation, returning inward to ground myself for inner peace, cultivating self-love, and practicing compassion, loving-kindness meditation.
Thank you for sharing your experience. It sounds as if you took the highest road for dealing with this problem.


1.         What was the Raja Yoga meditation theme this month?
The Raja Yoga meditation of this time was Nijama – Rule 2 – Contentment.

2.         What insights did you gain in your Raja Yoga meditations this month?
Buddha taught in the Second Noble Truth that selfish craving and ignorance are the two main causes of suffering; thus, bliss is achieved as a result of contentment. For human desires are endless, it is important to differentiate between what we need and what we want, and to realize what is essential and what matters most in life.
Contentment is cultivated by gratitude and mindfulness, by counting many blessings we have. When we are content and grateful, our vibration is high and good. I’ve learned that the more we grow spiritually, the more inner peace and happiness we feel. After all, the purpose of life is to be content and happy.
Contentment is also developed by giving to and helping others. I’ve learned that helping disadvantaged people makes us feel good, and appreciate what we have in life.
What a beautiful approach to life. Appreciation and gratitude open the heart which is where we express soul. Thank you for this.
Great report, Daisy
Light, Love and Power