Friday, September 20, 2024

Human Design 11. Gates

There are 64 Gates, as doorways to the 9 energy centres. The 64 Gates are rooted from the 64 Hexagrams of the I-Ching. 

The Gates reveal specific energies or theme in one’s personality and experiences.

Each Gate can be activated or not. Activation occurs at the time of birth, based on the planetary positions like in Astrology.

A maximum of 26 out of 64 Gates can be activated in any person. Some planets can impact the same gate twice, three or even four times, making fewer Gates activated.

The Gates can connect centres by creating energetic pathways between them, when 2 complementary Gates (one form each end) are activated. This connection has a significant influence on a person’s behaviors and life path.

Channels can either be consistently activated (forming a defined centre) or activated intermittently through transits or interactions with others, affecting the dynamics of the centres.

Factors that affect how gates operate:

If it is part of an Activated channel.

If it is Activated in a Defined centre.

If it is Activated in an Undefined centre.

From top to bottom, there are:

3 Head centre gates.

6 Ajna centre gates.

11 Throat centre gates.

8 G-centre gates.

4 Heart centre gates.

7 Solar plexus centre gates.

7 Spleen centre gates.

9 Sacral centre gates.

9 Root centre gates.

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