Saturday, September 14, 2024

Human Design 8. The Twelve Profiles

 There are 12 Profiles in Human Design, based on the combination of the 6 profile lines.

(1) Investigator/Matyr 1/3

- learn most important lessons through trials and errors.

- a life full of self-discovery.

- primary fear is the fear of unawareness and the unknown.

- need to conduct plenty of research to find solid foundation, peace and success.

(2) Investigator/Opportunist 1/4

- primary focus in life: locate a solid foundation that will allow them with all the security they need.

- primary goal is to find something to be good at.

- can influence those who are closest to them.

- need to take time to educate themselves.

- can become an Authority figure in their network and a constant influence on others.

(3) Hermit/Opportunist 2/4

- naturally quiet, shy.

- often unaware of their talents or reluctant to share them with the world.

- have a strong ability to influence others around with their talents.

- a mix of a Hermit (quiet, not social) and an Opportunist (quite friendly and outgoing).

- not very studious.

- can be highly selective in allowing people to come to their lives and what they do with their life.

- always trying to discover something new and exciting.

- once having recognised their calling, they can unfold a profound potential in their transformation.

(4) Hermit/Heretic 2/5

- naturally enjoy their alone time.

- unaware of their impressive transpersonal skills.

- have ability to lead others in a rebellious manner, bringing practical solutions to the forefront.

(5) Martyr/Heretic 3/5

- adaptable and resilient.

- learn most of their important life lessons through trials and errors.

- can fall into an ongoing cycle of victimhood, paranoia, and pessimism if they don't precisely follow their natural genetic Strategy and Authority in life.

- can view themselves as the odd one out of the family, and thus, constantly run away from everyone and everything in their life.

(6) Martyr/Role Model 3/6

- have a three-stage life: first 30 years of life as a 3/3 profile; later, between the ages of 30 and 50, coming into their own 3/6; and eventually flourish as the reputable Role Model they were meant to be.

- often quite pessimistic. However, they can get the wisdom from their consistent ballte which makes them become a trusted Role Model during their later years of life.

(7) Oppottunist/Investigator 4/1

- a mix of friendly, out-going (4) and insecure and introverted (1).

- need to study, research, investigate and master whatever their passion in life may be and share with their circles.

- can help to build a strong connection between the 12 profiles.

(8) Opportunist/Role Model 4/6

- can be very social.

- have 3 phases in life: acting as 4/3 profile in the first 30 years; experiencing dramatic shifts and healing up to the age of 50; and then true transition to a Role Model after 50 years.

- reliable that people can turn to them.

- having respect and admiration from others.

(9) Heretic/Investigator 5/1

- high potential to universalize.

- must create a strong foundation by researching and educating themselves.

- see themselves as saviour for others.

- as long as they have practical solutions, they can be a great positive influence; otherwise, they can suffer.

(10) Heretic/Hermit 5/2

- open to others' ideas.

- can be a positive influence on others.

- typically stay in their Hermit mode.

- may not fully aware of all their talents.

- need to be their own motivation and to encourage themselves when they are projected upon.

(11) Role Model/Hermit 6/2

- have 3 stage life: first 30 years chaotic 3/2; from 30-50 years operating as profile 6/2; after 50 years flourishing as a Role Model.

- tend to seek perfection in all areas. 

- have much to share with the world.

- a respected and trustworthy leader.

(12) Role Model/Martyr 6/3

- have 3 stage life: first 30 years chaotic 3/3; from 30-50 years operating as profile 6/3; after 50 years flourishing as a Role Model.

- seek perfection in all areas. 

- have great potential to be a positive influence on others and a trust worthy Role Model.

- learn how to be resilient and sustainable due to ongoing trials and errors.

- have wisdom to share from their life stories, lessons.

- must be raised as their own unique individual, otherwise their life can be traumatic with inferiority complex.

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