Friday, September 13, 2024

Human Design 7. The Six Profile Lines

Profile calculation shows us our theme of life. There are 6 profile lines and the combination of them creating 12 profiles of Human Design.

The 6 profile lines are as following:

1. The Investigator

- need strong foundation to feel secure and confident.

- need to acquire as much knowledge and information as possible to feel safe and secure.

- curious, can be insecure, intuitive, empathetic and creative.

- bring a sense of grounding to our lives, can make others feel calm.

2. The Hermit

- naturally talented, naturally good at whatever they set their minds to.

- need a lot of time alone to enhance their skills.

- often struggle between shyness and boldness.

3. The Martyr

- learn through trials and errors.

- may go through many changes to find out what work best for them.

- very resilient; experience many difficulties through lives.

4. The Opportunist

- highly influential, excel in communication.

- have a strong network of friends.

5. The Heretic

- can provide others with innovative ideas, deliver universal truth in a practical way.

- people want to seek them for problem-solving.

- need to maintain boundaries.

6. The Role Model

- complex to understand, mutable profile, intense changes.

- act as the 3rd line Martyr for the first 30 years of life; then taking on the role of an Authority for others while staying detached from their own lives; after 50 years, becoming a Role Model.

- well-respected and admired, can be excellent teachers.

- carry with them the magic of the future.

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