Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Human Design 10. The Body Centres (Part 2)

 Ego/Will/Heart Centre

  • Related to ego, will power, and material items.
  • Associated with the heart, stomach, gallbladder and thymus.

A defined ego centre: has the will power to follow through with the promises you make, taking charge of their lives, manage resources efficiently and effectively.

An open or undefined ego centre: has low self-esteem and not good in prioritising their time and energy, leading to lack of quality in their work and efforts. They should avoid making promises if they do not have adequate will power to realize them; strategically prioritising their commitment and allocate energy only to areas that will provide value; refraining from overworking and burning out.

Solar Plexus Centre 

  • Home of emotional energy, desire, creativity.
  • Connected to the nervous system, lungs, kidneys, bladder, pancreas, prostate and overall physical well-being.
  • Can be a generator of progress and change, as well as the drive to experience new things.
  • Oscillating, need patient observation to learn its lessons.

A defined solar plexus (51% of humanity): deep in the current emotional moment; existing in their emotional waves, often in cyclical ways; being directs about their reactions and emotions and often set the mood of a room; can see the nuance nature of any situation. Most effective when being able to take advantages of these cycles and learn patience, waiting to make decisions until having reviewed a problem from every perspective within the wave.

An undefined or open solar plexus centre: maybe a people-pleaser; may intensely feel the emotions of those around, thus wanting to secure the best possible emotional outcomes for all involved, thus can lead to avoidance of (negative) truth and conflict. They should perceive emotions without getting stuck on them.

A completely open solar plexus centre: may live in an entirely separate inner world to protect themselves from the conditioning of Defined solar plexus centres around them; can be extremely avoidant, deceptive. They should rely on some other parts of their design (strategy and authority), to guide them in determining where to engage and experience. 

Open or undefined solar plexus centre should routinely dispel or clear the emotional energy of others.

Spleen Centre

  • The energetic hub for intuition, body awareness, the immune system, and overall physical health.
  • Connected to the lymphatic system, some parts of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Influencing our sense of well-being, the fight or flight response and the automatic bodily process.
  • Vital for many subconscious, instinctual and reactive processes within us.
  • The intrinsic sense of danger or peace.

A defined spleen centre: may trust their own intuitive sense or may dismiss them entirely; having a strong immune system and overall health.

An undefined or open spleen centre: highly sensitive, may be uncertain in their discernment despite its intensity. It is hard for them to let go of fears and ineffective thoughts or feelings.

A completely open splenic centre: either hold on too tight or not at all; extremely sensitive to the conditioning of those with less open splenic centre and tend to completely lost in time.

Sacral Centre = The Life Force Centre

  • Home of the Motor Centre, vitality, sensuality, sexuality, drive to work hard for fulfillment.
  • Connected to the reproductive organs.
  • The energy for sex, raising children, and life in general.
  • Influencing on the energy for repetitive tasks or the ability to focus.

A defined sacral centre (70% of humanity): needs to follow their passion for not to be burned out.

An undefined sacral centre: needs to be more conservative with their energy; can receive more energy from others but cannot sustain it and must take more break; might struggle with long-term or repetitive work.

A completely open or ineffectively undefined sacral centre: often burn out by trying to keep up with defined sacral centre energies; less inclined to have large families or friend groups.

Root Centre

  • Energetic home of stress, pressure and adrenaline.
  • Rests in the adrenal glands, responsible for producing the steroidaal hormones adrenaline and cortisol.
  • Associated with the drive to sustain the body, the thirst for experience, the regulation of stress, the sense of pressure needed to respond to a crisis or deadline, sense of duty to a cause or objective; how to approach stressful interpersonal situations.

A defined root centre: has a consistent way of dealing with stress; but may put pressure on others.

An undefined root centre: may have a hard time resting and have an infinite endless to-do list.

A completely open root centre: may feel a lot of pressure to perform and maintain their stamina; vulnerable to undue pressure from others. They should learn to slow down, delegate and rest.

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