"As humans, we love stories. They have been shared in every
culture as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation
and instilling moral values. Now is your chance to hear and see people’s
personal tales in an on-stage format yet to be tried out in Vietnam.
Narrated by a wide variety of people from different backgrounds, this
should be a fascinating night and one certainly not to be missed. (Word Vietnam)
If you are interested in attending our FREE WORKSHOPS on storytelling/public speaking please join our growing Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/875908592519678/
For more information about storytelling as an artform please see below:
In the spirit of The Moth (https://themoth.org/) or RadioLab (http://www.radiolab.org/) or This American Life (http://www.thisamericanlife.org/), we want to introduce everyone to the intimate art of storytelling. :)
Storytelling is the conveying of events in words, sound and/or images, often by improvisation or embellishment. Stories or narratives have been shared in every culture as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation and instilling moral values."
For more information about storytelling as an artform please see below:
In the spirit of The Moth (https://themoth.org/) or RadioLab (http://www.radiolab.org/) or This American Life (http://www.thisamericanlife.org/), we want to introduce everyone to the intimate art of storytelling. :)
Storytelling is the conveying of events in words, sound and/or images, often by improvisation or embellishment. Stories or narratives have been shared in every culture as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation and instilling moral values."
James Dilday
La Fenêtre Soleil, 4.6.2016
James and the audience

"The Torture of Gideon Mantell" - a story by Patric M Davies
Patrick performs comedy for Stand-Up Saigon. He is originally from London but he says his heart will always stay in Saigon. It's amazing how he was telling and at the same time painting the illustrative pictures.
"My uncle's friend had that - He's dead now" - a story by Claire Robbin
Claire is a ghostwriter, and a singer-songwriter from London.
"Meeting a True Meditation Master" - a story by Trevor Weltman
Trevor is an American living in Saigon, where he works as a life coach and trainer. He is a daily practitioner and teacher of Heartfulness Meditation. You can read his writing at
Trevor is an American living in Saigon, where he works as a life coach and trainer. He is a daily practitioner and teacher of Heartfulness Meditation. You can read his writing at
"Up the Stairs, Looking Backwards" - a story by Tom Sanders
Tom Sanders is the co-founder of the Saigon-based Youth Culture Library. He has performed spoken word, poetry and short-fiction in London and in Vietnam (Saigon Ranger and La Fenetre Soleil).
"Just the Right Dose" - a story by Tom McNulty
Tom is a longtime performer of Stand-Up Comedy in Saigon.
"The Art of Doing Nothing" - an inspiring talk by Daniel Tran Anh Tuan
Coming back to Saigon last year from Singapore, Daniel has been a trainer of human potential to help others realize their paths in this world.
"The Importance of Collaboration within the Arts" - by Emily Navarra
An artistic director, choreographer and performer, Emily formed Standpoint Theories - Legends of Vietnam in 2013 a collaborative yearly project which retells six Vietnamese legends through dance, visual art and live music. In 2015, she founded the Movement Kitchen which aims to create a wider platform for local dance artists and encourage further understanding of the art of movement, mentally and physically.
"Experiences in a Hospital" - a story by Kieran Michaels
Kieran is a funny comedian from Sweden.
Burt Teplitzky and his funnt fantasy story about the parallel world,
where he exchanged his role with a beautiful lady...
Adam Palmeter and his childhood story.
The Canadian band after the show