Wednesday, May 25, 2016

GQ1: 5 Gemini Meditation and Study Report


Study: This month we return to study the Constitution of Man - specifically, the etheric field of man and of the cosmos. This is the energy vehicle which interpenetrates the physical dense body, and which receives and distributes force from many different directions. Students should become very aware that the forces which play through this field and which then galvanise the dense body into action, are driven by the quality and nature of the thoughts which are habitually being generated. Low thoughts - force is drawn in from low levels stimulating the lower body appetites. Higher aspirational thoughts - force is drawn in from higher levels, and these flow to the heart and other higher centres, stimulating higher impulses and actions.

Raja Yoga Meditation: the second hindrance we focus upon is HATRED or ANGER, the root of which is deeply buried in the substance and fabric of the Human Kingdom.This is not surprising. The 4th Ray of Harmony through Conflict, the so-called ray of war, is the major ray governing humanity. On the lower level this ray causes the undeveloped man to look for an opponent to fight and to hate. On the higher, it creates conciliation, harmony and beauty. It is sometimes called the Ray of Beauty or of Harmony.


Q1. Describe as simply as you can:

1a. The relationship between the individual etheric body and the web of Space.
The individual etheric body is part of the etheric web of space. The etheric web of space is composed of all individual etheric bodies.

Good. Here is DK’s definition of the Etheric body:
There is nothing in the manifested universe􀂲solar, planetary or the various
kingdoms in nature􀂲which does not possess an energy form,
subtle and intangible yet substantial, which
controls, governs and conditions the outer
physical body. This is the etheric body.TEV 142

1b. What is the ultimate function of the etheric web in terms of your connection with the universe?
In terms of our connection with the universe, the etheric web operates as the medium through which energies and forces from the universe can be circulated constantly to our individual etheric bodies and vice versa.

1c. What is prana and where does it come from?
‘Prana’ is the Sankrit word for the Life Force or life energy, the fuel of life. Prana permeates entire the universe. Another word for prana is chi.  

Primarily the functions of the etheric body are three in number:
1. It is the receiver of prana.
2. It is the assimilator of prana.
3. It is the transmitter of prana. TCF97
􀂙 Analogy: a phone receives and transmits waves and is the intermediary between two people. The waves are physical but only finer. The same goes for the etheric body. Its Primary function is to
􀂃 receive prana
􀂃 assimilate it
􀂃 distribute it

Q2. Which of the seven major chakras do you think that your consciousness is focused in at present? Justify your choice.
I guess that perhaps my consciousness is focused in the heart chakra at present. I can feel the universal love to all.

Q3. Transference of energy from lower centres to higher is a vital activity accompanying the initiation processes. Please describe as simply as you can what happens around the first three transferences associated with the first three initiations.
  • 1st transference: This is a difficult and long stage that can last several lives. Energy from sacral chakra is carried to throat chakra; and to a smaller percentage, energy from solar plexus chakra is carried to heart chakra. At this stage, one is intelligent and slowly becoming group conscious. The mystical life attracts him. Discipline is key to this stage with the goal of purification and control over the physical desires. One is an aspirant approaching the 1st initiation. 

  • 2nd transference: Solar plexus forces are carried to heart centre. Heart centre is rapidly awakening. Throat centre is intensively active. Ajna centre become active and dominant. At this stage, one is intelligently creative. Astral discipline is key to this stage with the goal of control over the astral nature. One is approaching the 2nd initiation.

  • 3rd transference: The crown chakra - the highest head centre -  becomes radiantly active. Via this crown chakra, the soul begins to pour its energy into all the chakras. Spiritual energy from the crown chakra is fused with material forces at the base chakra. Since then on, one is controlled only from above, by the soul. One is approaching the 3rd initiation.

Q4. Read the section on “Chakras and Health” and the health problems which arise in relation to the chakras. In which area of the body have you experienced health problems, and, therefore, which gland or organ or centre is involved? Do you think the problem is related to an overstimulation or under-stimulation of the centre (have an educated guess), and what do you think you could do to balance that centre and help your health or energy condition?
I have experienced pain in neck and shoulders which involved the throat centre and the thyroid gland. I’m not sure whether this problem is related to an over-stimulation or under-stimulation of the centre. I think that practicing some stretching exercises such as yoga can help. Sounds like a good idea.


1.      What was the Raja Yoga meditation theme this month?
Hate or Anger as Hindrance to Union.

2.      What insights did you gain in your Raja Yoga meditations this month?
Hate causes separation, anger, sadness, war, destruction and death, while love unites and heals. Love brings peace and joy.

3.      What did you learn about ANGER and HATE within you this month, as a result of your study and meditation work?
I’m quite balanced as I hardly hate anyone. I love the practice of spreading compassion towards all and the idea of seeing myself as being harmless, generating peace and joy wherever I go.

4.    Do you have any questions?
We learn that Prana is found in everything, everywhere. So how about in inorganic things such as metal, minerals, can prana present in there too? (Is it true that prana can only present in living things?). Does prana come from the Sun or where does it come from exactly?

First, Daisy, you have a good understanding of this material. I have not commented along the way as you have answered the questions quite nicely. Below I am giving you quite a bit more material. It is mostly the Tibetan’s words, not mine. It should address your specific questions plus offer you more. I hope you find this of use.

Everything in our manifested universe has an etheric – various kingdoms in nature, planetary or solar, all possess an energy form that governs and conditions the outer physical body.
The etheric body is a web or network of fine interlacing channels that are built into a specific form or body.
It is a web of energy streams, of lines of force and of light. Along these lines of energy the cosmic forces flow, as the blood flows through our veins and arteries.

Everything in the universe has an etheric counterpart, all living or seemingly
inanimate objects. Below are photos of kirlean photography which shows the etheric counterpart of the form.

Man receives prana from the sun after it has permeated the planetary etheric vehicle, so that it is solar prana, plus planetary quality. Prana, therefore, which is active radiatory heat, varies in vibration and quality according to the receiving Entity.  

Man passes the prana through his etheric vehicle, colors it with his own peculiar quality, and so transmits it to the lesser lives that make up his little system.  Thus, the great interaction goes on, and all parts blend, merge and are interdependent; and all parts receive, color, qualify and transmit.

In the study of the etheric body and prana lies the revelation of the effects of those rays of the sun which (for lack of better expression), we will call "solar pranic emanations."  These solar pranic emanations are the produced effect of the central heat of the sun approaching other bodies within the solar system by one of the three main channels of contact, and producing on the bodies then contacted certain effects differing somewhat from those produced by the other emanations.

Prana is the sum total of the energy in the body (and this applies equally to the planetary and the solar body).  It therefore concerns the inflow of energy into the etheric body and its outflow through the medium of the physical body.  In the physical body this is symbolized for us in the necessary inspiration and exhalation of the breath.

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