Monday, June 20, 2016

GQ1: 6 Cancer Meditation and Study Report - Esoteric Astology 1


Study: This month we begin our work with the great Science of Astrology. Ordinarily it takes years to master this science. However, you will be taught a simple method to read consciousness in the signs - at the unconscious, conscious and superconscious levels; or the Moon Sign, the Sun Sign and the Ascendant Sign. This month, we start with the Sun Sign.

Raja Yoga Meditation: the third hindrance we focus upon is DESIRE - ATTACHMENT, the intense desire for sentient existence is attachment, and this trait is inherent in the substance of every form. Desire is attachment to objects of pleasure, and these objects cover all the attachments which a man forms - from the savage state of infant humanity up to discipleship. The Science of Right Detachment was given by Patanjali to help those upon the Path learn how to detach their senses from their usual “grip” on “things”, and we introduce the subject in a simple form this month.

GQ1-7 Raja Yoga Meditation: the fourth hindrance we focus upon is THE SENSE OF PERSONALITY. The "personality" or ego with a little "e", arises because of the tendency for the "knower" (you), to identify with the instruments of knowledge - especially with the mind and the contents of the mind. Little ego or personality develops as the mind is used to gather information about the external world.

GQ1-8 MEANS 1. THE COMMANDMENTS. These are the Raja Yoga equivalents to the Christian 10 Commandments. The first Commandment we study is to ABSTAIN FROM HARMFULNESS. Harmfulness is based on selfishness, and on an ego-centric attitude. It is action taken by the selfish one to - enforce, self-aggrandise, and self-gratify. He or she speaks words which damage, thinks thoughts which are poisonous, and acts in a way which results in harm.

GQ1-9 MEANS 1 THE COMMANDMENTS - 2: ABSTAIN FROM FALSEHOOD. Truth is one of the great problems which the aspirant has to solve, and he who attempts to speak only that which is entirely accurate will find himself confronted by very definite difficulties.

GQ1-10 MEANS 1 THE COMMANDMENTS - 3: ABSTAIN FROM THEFT. The third Commandment we focus upon refers not only to stealing things that are tangible and physical, but those things we improperly take emotionally and mentally.

GQ1-11 MEANS 1 THE COMMANDMENTS - 4: ABSTAIN FROM AVARICE. This deals with the sin of covetousness which is literally theft upon the mental plane. The sin of avarice may lead to any number of physical plane sins and is very powerful.

GQ1-12 MEANS 1 THE COMMANDMENTS - 5: ABSTAIN FROM MISUSING SEXUAL ENERGY. (The actual wording of this sutra 2.38 is) “by abstention from incontinence, energy is acquired.” Abstention from incontinence is literally desirelessness and governs the out-going tendencies to that which is not the self, which finds physical plane expression in the relation between the sexes. But any impulse which concerns the forms and the real man and which tends to link him to a form and to the physical plane is regarded as a form of incontinence.

STUDY - Esoteric Astology 1

My Sun Sign is Aquarius.

Personality level (Yoko Ono) - Disciple level (Eckhart Tolle) - Initiates level (Francis Bacon)

Q1a.     Do you agree or disagree that that person should be at that level? Please give the reason for your answer. If you disagree, at which level would you place that person?

- Personality level (Yoko Ono): I disagree that Yoko Ono at the personality level. I think she should be at Disciple level. It is because at the personality level, power is used for personal comfort, selfish and material gain while Yoko Ono is more than that. She is an active activist for world peace.

- Disciple level (Copernicus): I agree that Copernicus at the disciple level. His helio-centric model was revolutionary at his time, changing the way man perceives about the universe.

- Initiate level (Francis Bacon): I agree that Francis Bacon at the highly initiate level. He was the past life of the ascended master Saint Germain.

Your reasoning Daisy, is very good. It matters little whether the reader agrees or not. What matters is that you substantiate your reasons and perspective and this you have done.

Q1b.     Do you see the ray qualities that flow through that sign, in that person’s characteristics? How so?     

  • Personality level (Yoko Ono): I see partly the 5th ray quality flow through Aquarius sign, in her characteristics with virtues such as justice, truthfulness, independence.
  • The qualities you have described could apply to any disciple. For fifth ray qualities and particularly Aquarius we would look for clarity, unlocking the mysteries of life, bringing something new and innovative to humanity, being on the cutting edge of newness that helps humanity. Yoko Ono did fulfill many of these qualities as she lived and is living her life.

- Disciple level (Copernicus):  I see very much of the 5th ray quality flow through Aquarius sign, in his characteristics with virtues such as accuracy, keen intellect, favor of science. This is good.

- Initiate level (Francis Bacon): I see very much of the 5th ray quality flow through Aquarius sign, in his characteristics with virtues such as accuracy, keen intellect, favor of science.

Q2:     Do you see any of the characteristics given for that sign in you? Please explain.

Yes, I do see the Aquarius sign’s characteristics in me such as independence, justice, truthfulness, humanitarian...Unless you are very involved in sciences the tendency for most people is to have the fifth ray on the mind. You have indicated in the past that you thought you had strong second ray qualities in soul and maybe even personality. Therefore the leap to think that fifth ray is in your mind is not too far out. If in the mind, we would look for clarity, methodology, following a linear and sequential approach to writing, creating lists.

    Read the Labour of Hercules for your Sun Sign then:

Q3a.     Do you relate with the tests of that Labour? Can you share (briefly), at least one meaningful incident from your life, that you think is a result of the challenges of the Labour?

I want to share more on the Ageless Wisdom with my friends. But not so many of my friends from schools and childhood are interested in Spirituality.

Q3b.     Do you recognise the rays that flow through your Sun Sign - in you? How so?

I recognize the 5th ray of concrete knowledge and science that flow through my Aquarian Sun Sign. I’m quite interested in science (especially modern physics) and new technology. Ahaa!. This definitely speaks to a 5th ray somewhere in your constitution. Perhaps on the mind?

Q4.     What did you find most interesting (if at all), in this month’s study?

Most interesting thing I found in this month study is the discovering of the connection between the astrological signs and their corresponding rays, as well as the Labours of Hercules. Though for me, I still don’t comprehend very well about the Labours of Hercules. Good obervations.

The Labours of Hercules describes the journey man goes through from ordinary man right up to mastership via the twelve signs. Hercules starts out in Aries where he makes many mistakes as a personality and keeps learning his lessons until eventually in Pisces he is a world savior. Each myth carries important lessons that Hercules had to learn and challenges that he had to overcome. 

Aquarius is the second sign from the end, which is Pisces, where Hercules will be a world disciple. In Capricorn, the sign before Aquarius, Hercules reached the mountain top, was initiated and could have stayed in that supernal light but instead he turned his back upon the light and wentdown the mountain to help humanity. This is also depicted in the story of Moses going up the mountain to receive the ten commandments and then climbing back down to serve humanity. Aquarius is about service. Hercules had to clean out the filthy stables - quite a menial job for a high initiate that he was. He used his mind (Aquarius is an air sign, mental) to come up with the solution. He also used the waters of the rivers (although an air sign Aquarius is much associated with water, even the word aqua meaning water in latin is in the name Aquarius) Waters usually refer to the waters of life. Hercules received no accolades for his work, which served humanity. He just did it because it had to be done.

If you have read the Labour there is much more there but the crux of the Labour is described above.

If you have an opportunity to read all the Labours, I highly recommend it. They are beautifully written by DK and there are explanations and meanings offered following the Labour so one learns a lot about astrology and the signs this way.


1.      What was the Raja Yoga meditation theme this month?

The Raja Yoga meditation theme of this month is Hindrance to Union 3 - Desire or Attachment

2.      What insights did you gain in your Raja Yoga meditations this month?

Desire is also what makes us suffer. Our soul is truly free when we are free of desire and attachment, when our consciousness focuses inward and upward. Yes. Very good, Daisy. We must remember how insidious desires are from a simple “I want to have ice cream to I want a new pair of shoes and so on. Desires are wants and there is big difference between desires and needs.

3.      What did you learn about your tendency to grasp and hold to the material world and its attractions, as a result of your study and meditation work? What did you learn about others and the world in this regard?

The more I go along with study and meditation work, the more I find inner peace within and the less of desire on outer material things. I’ve learned and appreciated what are core to life, what matter most, which are often more of spiritual values. However, the majority of the world at the moment is still very much attached to the illusions of the material world as we can see its consequences in advertisements, pro-benefits of mainstream capitalism, competitions and wars for resources… Luckily, though still small, there is a growing trend of spiritual movement, especially among young generations nowadays. Very well expressed and understood Daisy. I agree that there is a small growing trend of the spiritual movement. Humanity has definitely come a long way in the last hundred years but alas, still so far to go. We are told that humanity is on the brink of going through its first initiation. How will the world look and be after that????

Thank you Daisy for all your insights and the fine work you produce.

With love and light,


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