How is it when a man withdraws from the physical body but is not in the etheric body?
When a man withdraws from the physical body but is not in the etheric body, he can be in the astral or mental body. When we sleep, we leave our physical body and are in our astral body, contacting our brain through dreams. When we meditate or think deeply, we leave our physical body and enter our mental body, contacting our brain through visions. When we enter intuitional level, our brain registers all of our experiences there according to its purity and serenity.
What is the life thread? What is the consciousness thread?
The Antahkarana or the rainbow bridge, connecting the lower mind and the higher mind, is threefold, comprising of the life thread (the sutratma or the silver cord), the consciousness thread (the golden thread), and the creative thread which man has to build through meditation and creative work.
The life thread starts from the Monad and is anchored in the etheric heart, connected to the thymus gland. As long as the life thread is active, the heart beat and the body is alive.
The consciousness thread starts from the Soul and is anchored in the head (the etheric brain), connected to the pineal gland. As long as the consciousness thread is active, the man is conscious.
The life thread remains throughout our lifetime. The consciousness thread is withdrawn every night up to higher planes when we go to sleep. At the end of our lifetime on the physical world, both the life thread and the consciousness thread are withdrawn, we die and leave our physical body.
What are the causes for failure in telepathic work?
Distortion in telepathy can occur if the etheric body, particularly the etheric brain, is not healthy (atrophied, agitated, congested, burnt out, loosened, displaced) or if the physical brain is intoxicated with alcohol, tobacco, drugs, negative emotions or thoughts.
Obstacles for telepathic work are lack of love, lack of sympathy, the presence of doubt and criticism. However, too much emotions, intense feeling and devotion can also interfere the work.
How do concentration and meditation enhance communication?
Concentration is the ability to hold our mind steady on some focus. It is like when we take photo. It is the same as taking photos, for the clear picture, we need focus, thus, for a clear communication, we need concentration.
Meditation is the withdrawal of consciousness from the physical body to the mental body. Therefore, the more we practice meditation, the more we nurture a serene spirit, divine indifference, dispassion, and detachment, which are helpful qualities for successful telepathic works.
What is telepathy?
Telepathy is communication between the Thinker and other intelligent forms of life, through the etheric centers. [The Thinker can be the True Self, the human soul matured. The Thinker can be the Ego, in this case, the Ego is the same as the human soul. The Thinker can be the Soul, meaning the Solar Angel who is trying to awaken us].
There are several kinds of telepathy. Ordinary people can have instinctual telepathic communication, using the solar plexus center and through the lower ethers. Advanced people can have mind-to-mind telepathic communication, using the throat center. Initiates communicate directly from soul-to-soul or even on the intuitional level, through the higher ethers.
Factors involved in telepathic work are the etheric body (the etheric substance in space), the human soul (the Self or the awareness unit), the chakra, the etheric and physical brain, the mental body and the Antahkarana.
For successful telepathic works, the etheric body should be in healthy condition, and the sensitivity to impression should be developed, through purification and meditation. The more we are purified, the more we are sensitive to impressions from higher planes and higher beings, Masters and Hierarchy. And thus, we, as aspirants and disciples can be more helpful in serving the Divine Plan.
Describe the major centers of the etheric body
The major chakra is formed when the nadis cross 21 times. There are 7 major centers of the etheric body, called 7 major chakras. Among these 7 major chakras, 4 centers are above the diaphragm and 3 centers are below the diaphragm. Anchoring points for the soul are the 3 centers above the diaphragm: the head, the heart and the throat chakras. The lower 3 chakras below the diaphragm - the base, the sacral and the solar plexus centers - are under control of the personality. The Ajna center works as the distributing agent for either the personality or the soul, depending on who is the dominant.
1. The base chakra has 4 orange (red) petals in the shape of a cross. It registers the 1st aspect of divinity and anchors the will to be, supporting all other chakras. The principle of vitality or prana is seated in the base center. Feeding and directing the life principle in matter and form, the base chakra provides motivation, energy and the drive towards physical activity. Relating to the adrenal glands, it governs kidneys, bladder, eliminative organs, spinal column and legs. It is very active in childhood and declining activity in old age.
2. The sacral chakra has 6 orange petals. The sacral chakra registers the 3rd aspect of divinity. It relates to the gonads (reproductive glands) and governs the sex organs. It is a powerful center to build and regenerate, representing the urge to fuse and unite.
3. The solar plexus chakra has 10 green-rosy petals. This chakra registers all emotional reactions and desire impulses and energies. The solar plexus center serves as the clearing house and the place of reorientation of the life force in the personality, synthesizing all the lower energies for integration of the personality life and remitting them to their corresponding higher centers. The energies of the solar plexus center itself have to be directed to the heart, the energies of the sacral center have to be transmitted to the throat and the energies of the base center have to be transferred to the head. It governs digestion, assimilation, and the secretion of insulin (which is important for the control of blood sugar levels).
4. The heart chakra has 12 glowing golden petals. As the agent for soul and hierarchical energy, for Buddhi/Spiritual Love, the heart chakra registers and distributes inclusive energy of Love, fusing soul to souls in ashram and of humanity via love. The heart center is related to the thymus gland and governs the heart, the cardiovascular system, the immune system, the nervous systems and the vagus nerve.
5. The throat chakra has 16 silvery blue petals. It is the higher correspondence of the sacral center and associated with the concrete lower mind and the 3rd aspect of divine intelligence. This chakra controls adaptability of ideas and thoughts and is responsible for self-awareness. It registers intention of the soul from the Ajna and is one of the chakras where life of the soul is focused. Building of Antahkarana is possible when the sacral energy is transferred to the throat.
6. The ajna chakra has total of 96 petals in 2 wings, each wing has 48 petals. One wing is rose and yellow and the other wing is blue and purple. It is connected to the pituitary body in the physical body. In esoteric healing, healers use the ajna as the directing agent for projecting energy of love and dispelling radiance, which is the magnetic field created when the three centers in the head (the crown, the ajna and the alta major) are linked up. It is the organ of inner vision and expression of the imagination. The ajna center registers the intention to create. It can be the synthesizing, distributing and directing agent for personality forces or Soul energy, depending on point of development. As the organ of synthesis and integration, the ajna coordinates mental, astral and physical energies. It fuses the creative energies of the throat and the sublimated energies of desire or the true love of the heart. [the Ajna Center is active only after the Third Initiation. The spleen center is active until then].
7. The crown chakra has 12 major petals and 960 secondary petals around in the colors of white and gold. It is the organ for the distribution of monadic energy, registering the 1st will aspect of divinity and representing Ray 1 of Will and Power. The crown chakra is active after the 3rd initiation. As the organ of synthesis, after 3rd initiation, it gathers energies of personality, soul and Spiritual Triad and relates Monad to personality. The head chakra contains within itself a replica of each chakra. The head center anchors the consciousness stream from soul level and is the point of contact for the soul to its personality. The crown chakra is connected to the base chakra, and the active interplay between them produces the manifestation of divine will. As one of the centers where the life of the soul is focused, it provides point of entry and exit for the soul.
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