Thursday, October 10, 2024

102.5 Thoughts, Objects and the Etheric Body

Thoughts and the Etheric Body

1. The differences between the mind and the brain are:

  • The mind is composed of the mental substance of the mental plane, while the brain is composed of the physical substance of the physical plane. 
  • The mental substance of the mind is much more subtle than the dense physical substance. 
  • The mind is part of our inner and subjective world, while the brain is the objective, physical part of our being. Our inner world is the cause, while our outer world is the result of it. The mind has the power of creation as its vision can gradually direct our life.
  • It is the mind that governs our life. The brain, as part of the physical body, is merely the mind’s instrument.
  • The mind impresses the etheric brain with its thoughts, and the etheric brain puts the physical brain into motion. Our thoughts affect our emotions and actions.

2. Meditation enhances our bodies through the alignment and synchronization of vibrations. Meditation calms and purifies the mind and the emotions. Because our thoughts organize our etheric body, meditation with noble and elevated seed thoughts have positive effects on and enhancing the vibrations of our etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Meditation puts the etheric body nearer the inner spiritual world and helps its synchronize itself with the ideal in the higher subtle planes. Meditation also transmits higher cosmic etheric substances into their lower counterparts, thus transforming the lower ethers, and building the chakras with higher etheric substances.

Objects and the Etheric Body

1. The objects that we touch can affect our etheric body, positively or negatively, depending on their owner and handling. Spiritually refined people are more sensitive than ones of average consciousness. Thus, it is better to use their own personal things. 

To protect ourself from harmful emanations we can purify objects by sandalwood incense, prayer, the power of the cross, by the holy energy of Christ or a Master (if invoked in a spirit of purity and by an elevated consciousness). 

A person with healthy etheric body charged with golden prana can also destroy any negative formation on any object, if one concentrates their psychic energy through prayers and concentrated thought power. But we should be careful as sometimes it is too risky.

2. The emanations of a holy person can have healing effects and charging blessings on others.  The objects, food, water blessed or given by a holy person can be used, touched by a patient or put nearer to them for healing or blessing. Great Teachers used to send their disciples gifts to pass to them electrical charge of blessings. 

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