Sunday, April 28, 2024

102.3 Coordination of the Centers

Locations of the centers in the etheric, astral, and mental bodies are described in the following chart:

Chakras and the Planes - Photo credit: Nicole Resciniti

The etheric centers

The etheric base, sacral, solar plexus, and splenic centers are located in the 4th subplane of the etheric plane.

The etheric throat center is located in the 3rd subplane of the etheric plane.

The etheric heart center is located in the 2nd subplane of the etheric plane.

The etheric head center is located in the 1st subplane of the etheric plane. The etheric head center is also called the crown chakra and symbolized by the thousand-petaled lotus. This thousand-petaled lotus is the sum total of the petals of all the etheric centers, including the correspondences of all the 7 etheric chakras.

The astral centers

The astral base, sacral, solar plexus, and splenic centers are located in the 4th subplane of the astral plane.

The astral throat center is located in the 3rd subplane of the astral plane.

The astral heart center is located in the 2nd subplane of the astral plane.

The astral head center is located in the 1st subplane of the astral plane.

The mental centers

The mental base, sacral, solar plexus, and splenic centers are located in the 4th subplane of the mental plane.

We can safely and naturally unfold our centers through meditation, study the Ageless Wisdom, practicing virtues and sacrificial services.

When the etheric centers open naturally, we come into closer contact with our organs and with others; our vitality increases, resulting in good health and well-being in general.

When the astral centers open, we become more emotionally sensitive and influential; We are conscious of our own emotions and the emotions of others.

When the mental centers open, we become more mentally sensitive and influential; we are conscious of our own thoughts and the thoughts of others.

Chakras and corresponding Virtues

There are virtues connected to each center. As we develop these virtues, the center related will be naturally unfolded.

The head chakra helps us find direction in life. In its truest sense, that direction is the spiritual Path leading us to our true Self, true Home. The virtues related to the head chakra are will power, courage, daring and striving.

The ajna chakra works as a directing agent of the personality in the early stage and of the soul (together with the 3rd eye) in the later stage. This is also a great healing center, directing the energies of Love, Light and Power. The ajna unfolds when we make efforts in discrimination, for right motive, right judgement, right direction.

The throat chakra is the agent of speech and creativity. Therefore, it can be unfolded when we practice right speech which is correct, clear, harmless; and making efforts to be creative. The throat chakra is also activated during admiration, bliss, ecstasy and the appreciation of beauty and arts. Economizing the sexual energy, even cyclic celibacy can facilitate the unfoldment of this chakra too.

The heart chakra is the most important center that must be developed regarding spiritual evolution as it makes us sensitive to the needs of people and thus becoming more compassionate and inclusive, being able to feel the Oneness in All. The heart center puts us in contact with the heart of the planet, the solar system, and the galaxy… The flow of Life circulates through our hearts and unifies our hearts with the Cosmic Heart. Gratitude is a very important activator of the heart chakra. As we have gratitude in our hearts, the eleven others virtues are also gradually opened to us, which are: group love (group consciousness, cooperation), humility, service, patience, labor, tolerance, spiritual identification, compassion, sympathy, wisdom, sacrifice.

The solar plexus chakra is the gate to the emotional world with the two higher and lower triangles. To unfold the higher counterpart of this chakra, we must develop virtues of devotion, dedication, aspiration and faithfulness.

The sacral chakra is naturally active. In order to sublimate its energy for shifting into its higher counterpart (which is the throat chakra), we should transform the desire for sex into aspiration and creative activity, and exercise virtues such as pure love, balance. Sex should be moderated with the virtues of chastity and purity, periodic celibacy is also helpful.

The base chakra is activated in a balanced and healthy way through practicing perseverance, fearlessness and constancy.

Evolution of the Self

Our Self evolves through seven stages, from the individual Self to the family Self, the national Self, the Self of humanity, the planetary Self, the solar Self, and the galactic Self. The higher one is more inclusive and expansive than the lower one before it. As we advance, our share increases, and both our joy and conscious suffering increase.

However, between these stages, there are barriers that we have to overcome if we want to go higher. The barriers are like the tests as it is difficult to pass through them if we are so much identified with our lower and smaller selves. To enter the higher level, we must leave some no-longer-relevant patterns, and things behind, we must renounce or sacrifice something, and we must also build new patterns to be able to stand under greater pressure and responsibility. And if we successfully pass the test, we become a greater Self, and enter into a greater Life, with more joy, more sensitivity as well as more power to withstand the increased conscious suffering.

Thus, to find our True Self, we must always lose our little, personal self and develop our tolerance capacity to embrace more and more other people until we don’t see others but our Self in a united Oneness. We feel the interconnectedness of every sentient being within the Web of Life. 

Coordination of the Centers

Coordination is the harmonization, attunement, cooperation and synchronization of the centers horizontally and vertically. Coordination of the centers brings benefits to the person as increasing their efficiency in the world with all their thoughts, emotions and actions are united and thus more influential and powerful. When a person has their centers coordinated, all their actions, words and thoughts are charged with the vital energy of the etheric centers, the emotions of the astral centers and the fiery thoughts of the mental centers.

Three factors that facilitate the coordinating process are:

(1)  Purification of the chakras by using them purposefully and economically, no wasting energies and avoiding pollutants.

(2)  Expansion of consciousness through study, meditation, thinking in terms of the Whole, becoming more inclusive in our viewpoint, spreading Beauty, Goodness, Righteousness, Wisdom, Joy and Freedom in the world.

(3)  Developing virtues and applying them creatively in a sacrificial life of services to others.

Relations of the Rays, the Centers and the Fields

The 7 Rays go through all the chakras but there will be one chakra that is more resonant to one ray. Each ray of the 7 Rays also characterizes a field of human endeavor.

Chakras and the Rays - Photo credit: Leoni Hodgson

Ray 1 of Will and Power corresponds to the head chakra as well as the base chakra and the politic field.

Ray 2 of Love-Wisdom corresponds to the heart chakra and the educational and healing field.

Ray 3 of Active-Intelligence corresponds to the throat chakra and the field of philosophy, communication as well as economics and finance.

Ray 4 of Harmony through Conflicts corresponds to the base of spine chakra as well as the ajna chakra and the field of arts.

Ray 5 of Concrete Knowledge and Science corresponds to the ajna chakra and the field of science.

Ray 6 of Devotion and Idealism corresponds to the solar plexus chakra and the field of religion.

Ray 7 of Organization-Ceremony-Order corresponds to the sacral chakra and the field of economics, finance, architecture, rituals.

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