Friday, July 26, 2024

Human Design 2. The Body Graph and the Planets

The Body Graph reveals our genetic design, showing the unique Strategy (5 types) and Authority (inner and outer types), the 2 primary frameworks. 

There are 2 dates in our Body Graph, the natal chart and the prenatal chart. The natal chart shows our conscious side, determining our Personality. The prenatal chart shows our unconscious side, our Design, our inner body intelligence.

The planets also have 2 positions, at our birth time and about 3 months before our birth. The planets influence on our personality and life.

The Sun: expressing ourselves, the image we show to the world.

The Earth: providing us the tools for balancing and grounding.

The Moon: our emotions, subconscious side.

North Node: energy of our future.

South Node: energy of our past.

Mercury: communication, thinking and reasoning.

Venus: our inner moral compass.

Mars: our immature energy.

Jupiter: our inner power and consciousness.

Saturn: our judge.

Uranus: our creativity, generational.

Neptune: our spiritual, artistic side.

Pluto: rebirth, encouraging us to explore ourselves both good and bad and embracing the light within us.

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