Sunday, November 10, 2019

QU1. Scorpio Report - 140. Treading the Probationary Path 140.5-12

140.5 Character Building and Personality Purification  
What is your understanding of the term “character”?
For me, character is a set of good qualities or virtues expressed in a soul-infused personality.
            a. We are told that it is character which is rightly regarded as the first requirement when a man steps off the Probationary Path and onto the Path of Discipleship, thus becoming a disciple. Why is the development of a good character regarded as one of the most important training requirements upon the Probationary Path?
Character building is regarded as one of the most important training requirements upon the Probationary Path because it involves purification of the lower bodies, imposing higher vibrations on the lower bodies in order to bring the personality under the soul’s control.
            i. What are the principal methods employed in character building?
The principal methods employed in character building are:
- cultivating qualities, using the technique “as if”, creative visualizing ourselves as already having all the desired virtues.
- self observing, self-reflecting to continuously correct and improve oneself.
- practicing mindfulness, being mindful in every activity.
- meditation for increasing soul contact
- practicing: think good thoughts, say meaningful words, do good works.
            ii. What qualities are present in good character? Why do you think so?
Qualities present in good character are:
  • Kindness, compassion, unconditional love
  • Patience, perseverance, endurance
  • Wisdom
  • Peace, divine indifference
  • Acceptance, tolerance, inclusiveness
  • Humility, selfless
  • Devotion...
    GL…Facing challenges, or facing up to our mistakes etc.
I think so, because those are qualities of Soul. And thus, one who expresses qualities of Soul (having soul-infused personality) is a person of good character.
            b. Are you at work in the process of character building and if so, in what way?
Yes, I am. I use the methods as mentioned above, which are: creative visualization (“as if” technique), meditation, practicing mindfulness, applying self-observation, self-reflection, and practicing “think good thoughts, say meaningful words, do good works.”
GL…Well said Daisy…the descriptions you give demonstrate spiritual and moral qualities that give a person honor. You will appreciate the occult path brings its own peculiar set of challenges that are to be passed through – esotericists are often ridiculed for their beliefs and perspectives. The Christ covered this matter when he spoke of persecution in the Beatitudes.
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
“Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
This image of Daniel in the Lions den came to mind…

140.6 Purification of Astral - Dissipation Glamour
What in your opinion is the single most effective means of purifying the astral body? Why do you think so? Are you applying this method to yourself? If so, with what results?
For me, the single most effective means of purifying the astral body is the light of the soul. Because the light of the soul is the pure dispelling beam. The soul energy from the higher levels of the mental plane carries the illumination which is the great dissipating agency to the astral plane.
I am applying this method to myself through everyday meditation, trying to contact with the soul to evoke the soul energy. Through meditation, I become calmer and less affected by emotions as being more of an observer, detaching from emotions.
GL…a clarity shines through in these responses you offer.

140.7 Recognizing, Understanding and Achieving Freedom from Kama-Manas
One of the difficult things for an aspirant to grasp is that peculiar moment in his life when he must shift into the realm of discriminative work.
a. What do you understand by discrimination and discriminative work? Why are they so important?
Discrimination is the mental capacity to differentiate between what is true and real with what is unreal, glamour and illusion. Discriminative work involves the recognition of the True-Self as a spiritual being and thus, not identifying oneself with the lower-self’s perceptions.
Discrimination is important as it is help us to overcome all the maya, glamour and illusion, and thus, out of them, to recognize the Truth.
GL…Yes – not only discriminating between the rights and wrongs, goods and bads, real and unreal but also to find the correct order of things, and process of co-measurement and what is applicable or appropriate to circumstances and to presented opportunity.
b. In what type of discriminative work is the aspirant to be engaged specifically upon the Path of Probation?
The discriminative work that the aspirant engaged specifically upon the Path of Probation is primarily that deals with overcoming the great maya of the world of form and perhaps also on the later stage, involving overcoming glamour of the astral world..
c. What role does discrimination play in your life?
Discrimination plays an important role in my life as I remind myself everyday of being aware, and trying to be mindful on all the things that I do (I am still practicing it and many time being forgetful). I think it is especially essential nowadays to have critical thinking and discrimination as one may get confused with various trends of spirituality.  
GL…Yes there are many impersonators – everything needs to be authenticated and weighed by the inner scales of discernment as to its real value and placement on the graph of distortion and truth.

140.8 The Control and Correct Utilization of the Lower Concrete Mind
Enlarge upon the following: “The aspirant should concentrate on the subjugation of the emotional body and the enlargement of the mental body and cultivate the habit of abstract thinking”. [Letters on Occult Meditation, page 77]
a. What does the aspirant learn by ‘reaching’ from the concrete mind to the abstract mind?
By reaching from the concrete mind to the abstract mind, the aspirant learns to unfold the intuition, which is a blend of the intuitive spiritual understanding and the power to comprehend abstract ideas and ideals. Yes great..
b. How do you understand the statement that the concrete and abstract mind are to the soul what the concrete mind and the brain are to the personality?
There is anology and corresponding between what the concrete and abstract mind are to the soul with what the concrete mind and the brain are to the personality. To the soul, the concrete mind is like the brain to the personality. The brain functions as an instrument of the personality, through which the impressions, thoughts from the concrete mind can be registered. Similarly, the concrete mind functions as an instrument of the soul, through which the impressions from the abstract mind can be registered. 
GL…Yes the role of the concrete mind is to articulate higher thought and the brain serves to articulate the concrete minds impressions on the physical plane.
c. Do you have any experience with abstract thinking? Why do you think you do or do not?
Yes, I do. Because we, as students of esoteric philosophy, have to deal a lot with abstract thinking through contemplating on the sacred texts of ancient wisdoms from the Masters.
GL…Yes and often this begins with questions such as “what is the meaning of life”, “who or what am I really” and “what is the purpose for my existence.

140.9 The Roles of Meditation in the Transition from Mysticism to Occultism: Understanding the Major Contrasts Between Mysticism and Occultism
What do you understand by "occultism"? What role if any does occultism play in your life?
Occultism is the science of energy and forces that underly all the phenomena in the world. I’m a student of esoteric study, thus I’m learning on the way to become an occultist in the future.
GL…many of us have dedicated lives to the mystical path and are now ready for the challenges of occultism…such a wonderful privilege I think.
a. How would you define the “practical mystic” or occultist? At what stage of the Path do we find the emergence of the practical mystic and why? Would you call yourself a practical mystic? If so why and if not, why not?
An occultist must first be a “practical mystic”. A practical mystic is the one who has mystical awareness or the power to feel correctly as well as the power to know mentally and practically.
After the first initiation we can find the practical mystics. Because the mystical way leads to the first initiation and then followed by the lighted way of occultism leading to the higher states of consciousness.  I may call myself a practical mystic as we are Morya Federation’s students, studying and being trained towards occultism.
GL…This is a good description of many of us Daisy.
b. What, in your estimation is “occult consciousness”? To what extent is your consciousness an example of occult consciousness? Please explain.
Occult consciousness is the united condition of the higher and lower selves through the use of the mental bodies. Maybe my consciousness is just at the very beginning step towards the occult consciousness as I’m still not very clear about it to explain.
GL…This is the very purpose of these types of questions as they assist us to engage aspects of the mind that are not so easily engaged in this area of research of the self/Self. These questions help us to be practical and grounded in our study. So far I think you are doing very well here Daisy so be encouraged. Articulating some of these matters is a common problem for us all…occultism fundamentally deals with causes and their translation into effects on the planes of form.
c. What are the differences between mystical and occult consciousness and why must every mystic become an occultist and every occultist, a mystic?
The differences between mystical and occult consciousness:
·        The mystical consciousness is emotional or astral in nature while the occult consciousness is mental in nature.
·        The mystical consciousness is related to the power to feel correctly while the occult consciousness related to the power to know.
·        The mystical consciousness involves the evolution of the mystical vision while the occult consciousness involves the revelation of light and power.
Every mystic must become an occultist and every occultist, a mystic in order to develop comprehensively and toward wholeness.
GL…nicely said.

140.10 The Role of Meditation Specifically Upon the Path of Probation
What specifically is the meditative task of the probationer treading the Path of Probation?
The meditative task of the probationer treading the Path of Probation is to start the alignment of the lower self through personality integration of the physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies, and then to contact the soul through developing the alignment between the personality and the soul.
a. How is this different from the meditative task of a confirmed disciple?
This task is different from the meditative task of a confirmed disciple in the state of effectiveness. For a confirmed disciple, he can achieve higher states of effectiveness in contacting the Soul and operating at the mental level.
GL…Generally we would consider an accepted disciple a highly integrated human being, not the complete and full integration but the task is well under way. Therefore their capacity for concentration which leads to contemplation are more effective in the meditative technique.
b. Do you find that the meditative task before you is that of the probationer or that of the disciple, or somewhere between? Please explain.
I think the meditative task for me is somewhere in between that of probationer and that of the disciple. Through meditation, I could listen to the inner voice. But I’m still on the way to develop this connection with the Soul and to expand my consciousness.
GL…Have you read the “six stages of discipleship” Daisy found in DINA 1 page 673 – 790..?..
The master goes into some technicalities regarding each stage. Well worth a look.
140.11 Understanding the Problems and Requirements of the Probationary Path in terms of the Seven Rays, Esoteric Astrology and Energy Centres
Which chakra most implicated and active at the time of the first initiation and why?
The sacral chakra and the throat chakra are most implicated and active at the time of the first initiation. Because at that time, the first transference of energy is activated from the sacral centre to the throat centre.
a. In what transformational work is this energy centre involved?
This chakra energy involves the purification and controlling of the lower appetites.
GL…Yes the sacral centre is a potent vortex and area of gravity for those leading up to the 1st initiation. Their task is to overcome the instinctual pull of this centre as a motivating force on the physical plane and transfer this energy fixation to creative living by transmuting the energy to the throat centre. No easy task as the forces are particularly powerful and also energized by the solar plexus. We are witnessing the ordeal of overcoming these instinctual forces on a large scale in the various groups in preparation for this initiation. 

b. Which planets and rays condition the first initiation and what is their role in this process?
The first ray of Will and Power and the planets Pluto and Vulcan condition the 1st initiation. Their role in this process is purification of the lower bodies.
c. Is the aspirant still treading the Path of Probation at the time of the first initiation? Please explain.
Yes, he is. The aspirant is still treading the Path of Probation at the time of the first initiation because this period covers the later stages of the Path of Probation and the early stages of the Path of Discipleship.
GL…yes and we should include the influences of Uranus (sacral centre), Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Saturn and Venus of course.

140.12 The Use of Rayological, Astrological and Chakric Energies to Integrate the Personality
Which zodiacal, ray and chakric energies do you believe contribute specifically to the type of personality integration which the aspirant should experience upon the Path of Probation? Please explain.
The zodiacal, ray and chakric energies contribute specifically to the type of personality integration which the aspirant should experience upon the Path of Probation:
·        The zodiacal energies:
o   Leo relates to self-consciousness, probationers, and the integration of the personality
Aquarius – Leo interplay relates to the integration and evolution of the personality, from self-consciousness (in Duong) toward group consciousness in Aquarius.
o   The Mutable Cross (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) rules the Probationary Path, the probationers and the integration of the personality.
o   Cancer—Capricorn—Saturn enable the aspirant to tread the Path of Probation.
GL…One of the main lessons when entering the probationary path is “to be true to oneself”…this takes place under the influence of Leo as you say…the next lesson is to maintain “group integrity” under the influence of Aquarius…I think there are also influences beginning to enter the psych from the fixed cross – Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius…This causes the individual to embark on a journey of self-improvement.
·        Rays:
o   The 1st and the 2nd rays draw us to the Path of Probation.
o   The 3rd ray relates to the intellectual stimulation in personality integration.
o   The 7th ray relates to the sacral energy which will be sublimed into creative energy.
GL…Yes Ray 7 is quite pivotal here and assists to establish a reorientation of the life theme more towards spiritual matters than just physical…I think the tide turns…This causes a reorganization of the energy field of chakras and their orientation to the influences of the soul.
·        Chakric energies:
o   The energies of sacral centre and throat centre. They are involved in the first energy transference from the sacral centre to the throat centre.

GL…Well done Daisy – you demonstrate a good grasp of these matters and are working these ideas into the physical plane environment which is not an easy task.
So you have completed this section of the course work and ready for the next area of study. Congratulations on your achievement in this regard - Geoff 

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