Friday, November 29, 2019

QU1. 170 report

170 – Service and Solutions for Humanity – The Art and the Science of Service

170.1 Introduction to The Problems of Humanity: historical review
In the following paragraph, the Tibetan suggests that while both are essential for evolutionary development, "the Science of Service is of greater importance than the Science of Meditation". Please ponder upon this, and why this idea resonates with you, or not.

(DINAII 59) “Your personal instructions I have placed at the end to indicate to you its relative importance and so impress upon you the necessity for your individual teaching taking a secondary place; it is of less importance than the group development and the service of humanity. You will all awaken some day to the realization that the Science of Service is of greater importance than the Science of Meditation, because it is the effort and the strenuous activity of the serving disciple which evokes soul powers, makes meditation an essential requirement, and is the mode - ahead of all the others – which invokes the Spiritual Triad, brings about the intensification of the spiritual life, forces the building of the antahkarana, and leads in a grades series of renunciations to the Great Renunciation, which sets the disciple free for all eternity.”

The Science of Service is of greater importance than the Science of Meditation. It is through service that we open our heart and mind. It is through practical service that our compassion is developed, our wisdom grown and thus our soul contact increased. We can say that service is the expression of soul qualities just as “work is love made visible”. Also, we become more humble through service and this helps in purifying our personality. Therefore, as service should come before meditation, the Science of Service is of greater importance than the Science of Meditation.

170.2 Introduction to The Law of Service
Consider what the Tibetan has said about the seven distinctive methods of ray service. If one of the seven distinctive methods of ray service appeals to you over the others, briefly explain why you think this is the case.

The distinctive method of Ray II service appeals to me over the others as it embodies the love aspect and sympathetic understanding. These are the qualities I cherish and value, trying to apply in my work and service, in education and healing.

170.3 Introduction to the New Group of World Servers (NGWS)
Please read the file on the "Functions of the New Group of World Servers", and briefly describe in your own words what you understand one or more of their functions to be.

The main function of the New Group of World Servers is to help realizing the Divine Plan on Earth, or we may say, to create Heaven on Earth. In order to do that, those men and women of goodwill must find each other, connect, keep in touch, unite, collaborate and cooperate with each other. They must educate the general public the basic principles of brotherhood, right living, good will and harmony by their own living examples. The mass must be awaken of the Truth about the Hierarchy, the Divine Plan and the Soul.

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