Sunday, January 31, 2016

GQ1: 1. Aquarius Meditation and Study Report


Study: The course starts with a brief overview of the Cosmos and the spiritual goal for the Human Kingdom - this is conscious union with the soul or wisdom aspect. Then we study the Human Constitution, and the bodies or vehicles through which consciousness is evolving. The Solar Angels oversee the development of consciousness and we clarify our understanding about the role they play in this process. Then finally we study the seven levels of consciousness which man evolves through, as he journeys from ignorance to enlightenment.

Raja Yoga Meditation: this meditation is based on Patanjali's first Raja Yoga sutra: "OM, Raja Yoga is the science of union”. With this wonderful statement, we begin the Great Quest.


Q1. Ponder the "Our Spiritual Origins and Our Spiritual Goal chart”: what is the effect or impact of this information upon your consciousness?

The chart has awakened my consciousness about the true nature of our Divine origin as spiritual beings. It showed me the bigger picture and more holistic view of who we all are.

Q2. Give a brief overview of the work of the Solar Angels with regards to man.

The Solar Angel works as the Silent Watcher, overseeing, nurturing the human soul and accelerating our mental development.

The solar angels create the causal body out of their substance and literally dwell within that causal body until liberation.  The solar angels for all intents and purposes are the Son of Mind, Mind being the Mind of God or the Intelligence principle, the 3rd aspect and act as our Soul overseeing our progress until they are not needed any longer.

What needs to be achieved by the Angels before they leave the human being they have been working with?

The Monadic Awareness needs to be achieved via Antahkarana, the bridge in consciousness between the Monad and the lower mind, before the Solar Angel leaves the human being they have been working with.

The Individual needs to reach a very high level of consciousness, at the 4th initiation when the causal body (the home of the solar angel) is destroyed and it can then be liberated to do what it needs to do in different dimensions. The individual is then totally soul infused, i.e. personality and soul are full integrated and fused.

Do you sense the presence of the Angel in your life? How?

Yes, I see her as an ideal image that I would like to become. Through daily meditation, visualization, practicing loving-kindness, I feel more and more one with her.

Q3. Study "The Different Levels of Consciousness” information. Then:

3a. What is the importance of this information to you in relation to your life of developing discipleship? Do you have a sense of where you fit? Please explain.

This information is very important to me. It shows me a system view of a roadmap that I will have to walk along the spiritual development path.

I guess that I may be somewhere at the last stage of an aspirant and moving forward to the path of discipleship.

Usually those that have found their way to spiritual life are past the first initiation. DK tells us we are now by the millions. That means that the Christ (the Soul) has been born in the cave of the heart. And then there are all the other steps along the Way – the probationary path, path of discipleship and path of initiation. And yet….we are all aspirants using the word in its generic and global understanding.

3b. For each of the Aspirants, Disciples, Initiates, and Masters levels, please can you name at least one famous individual alive today at each of these levels? Include one or two sentences, describing the qualities you perceive in each person which justifies your choice.

Examples of:

  • The Aspirants: Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Leonardo Dicapro (their good wills and continuous support for humanitarian works as well as raising public awareness in environmental issues).
  • Even after the 1st initiation, which I believe your examples above would have passed, they are considered disciples. Using the term ‘aspirants’ in a specific way can mean those that are aspiring to the first initiation as are those on the Probationary Path.
  • The Disciples: Al Gore, Vandana Shiva (their strong, integrated characters and their influential works as environmental activists).
  • The Initiates: Fritjof Capra, Mathieu Richard (the profound wisdom in their books)
  • The Masters: Thich Nhat Hanh, Dalai Lama (their charisma, compassion and wisdom).


1.  What was the Raja Yoga meditation theme this month?

The Raja Yoga meditation theme of this month is 'OM, Raja Yoga is the Science of Union'.

2.  What insights did you gain in your Raja Yoga meditations this month?

I just feel calm and fresh, during and after meditation, I have not got any insight yet. The important thing is consistency. We do because it is necessary, the right thing to do and the benefits are great. As for insights, if we don’t expect then they may show up. One good/great insight can last a life time.

3.  What did you learn about yourself this month, as a result of your study and meditation work? What did you learn about others and the world?

This month, I have learned about the spiritual origin of human, the work of the Solar Angels and the different levels of consciousness.

4.  THE FULL MOON MEDITATION: Please include insights you gained, or any thoughts at all about this meditation experience.

I just feel calm and fresh when meditating, I have not got any insight yet.

5.  Misc: How was the general quality of your meditation this month? Have you managed to establish a regular pattern of meditation? Are you experiencing any difficulties in your meditation work? If so, please explain.

Generally they are ok. I have tried to keep meditating every morning. However, in the last busy 2 weeks, I missed sometimes. I did not experience any difficulties.

6.    Do you have any questions?

Is there always evolution of consciousness or can it be devolution too? I'm a little bit confused as in some Buddhist stories, people could be reincarnated as animals.

Yes, I have heard the same coming from Buddhist stories. Yet, we are told by DK that that is not possible. There may be life times of stagnation but we are all on the evolutionary arc. We move forward back to the source, the monad. It can be a fast pace or a slow pace.

I think references to the Buddha being able to be an animal was due to his ability to morph and choose to incarnate into whatever body he wished because he was that evolved. It was to demonstrate or give a lesson of sorts.

Thank you Daisy for your report.

With light and love,


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