Sunday, August 18, 2024

Human Design 4. Definition Types

There are 4 following Definition Types in Human Design (and only 1 No Definition Type in Human Design, which is Reflectors - who are very rare, only less than 1% of human population).

1. The Single Definition Type: 41.95% of human population

- have all their defined energy centers connected, forming one complete circuit.

- self-sufficient, focused, with a natural ability to process information and function independently. 

2. The Split Definition Type: 45.89% of human population

- have two distinct sets of defined centers that are not directly connected to each other.

-  need 1 central relationship to feel whole, which can be frustrating if they cannot find the right one, monogamous.

- have the potential to develop deep relational skills and a strong understanding of interpersonal dynamics.

3. The Triple Definition Type: 10.18% of human population

- have three distinct sets of defined centers that are not connected to each other.

- very independent, enjoy being disconnected, free-spirited nature, adventurous.

- enjoy trying new things, a social butterfly.

- fast-paced nature and high empathy.

4. The Quadruple Definition Type: extremely rare, 0.57% of human population

- have 4 separated defined areas.

- very secure in who they are and what they want.

- multi-faced, difficult for others to understand, not the norm living.

- live authentic lives, adaptability, enjoy being in a community of like-minded individuals.

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