Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Human Design 5. Inner Authority Types - Part I

 Inner Authority Types

Inner Authority is the most efficient way for individuals of that type to make best choices and decision. It is determined by referring to the Body Graph and checking which centres are defined (coloured) or open.

There is an order for determining Inner Authority:

1. If the Solar Plexus centre is defined, the person has Emotional Inner Authority, despite of the definition of any other centres.

2. If the Sacral centre is defined, without the Solar Plexus being defined, then the person has Sacral Inner Authority.

3. If the Sacral and Solar Plexus centres are not defined, but the Splenic centre is defined, the person has Splenic Inner Authority.

4. If none of the above centres are defined, and the Heart/Will centre is defined, then the person has Ego Inner Authority. There are 2 types of Ego Inner Authority.

5. If none of the above centres are defined, but the G centre is defined, then the person has a Self-Projected Inner Authority.

6. If only the Head and the Ajna centres, or the Head, Ajna and Throat centres are defined (nothing below the throat is defined), then the person has an Environmental Inner Authority.

7. If there are no defined centres - the Body Graph is completely white or unshaded - the person has a Lunar Inner Authority.

1. The Emotional Inner Authority (the Solar Plexus Inner Authority): 47% of population

- emotionally intense, experience life via the high and low of emotional spectrum.

- require clarity in emotions before making an effective decision;

--> need plenty of time and patience to make important decisions.

There are 4 types of emotional waves, determined by checking which channels within the Solar Plexus centre are activated. Channels are activated when there is a solid, coloured-in-line connecting 2 centres between 2 gates.

  • The Source Wave: connected to channel 59-6, usually stable
  • The Tribal Wave: connected to channels 19-49 or 37-40; slowly build up pressure that can be exploded.
  • The Individual Wave: connected to channels 22-12 or 39-55; intense with rapid mood swings, melancholic but also extremely passionate, need alone time.
  • The Collective Wave: connected to channels 41-30 or 36-35; can have extreme mood swings and explosion.

--> For effective choices: cultivating PATIENCE, waiting before making decisions, let go of certainty perfectionism. 

2. The Sacral Inner Authority: 35% of population

- ruled by intuition.

- need to listen to their senses.

- blossom when living in a life that is tangibly pleasant to them.

- making decisions based upon what will spark the most joy is often the correct path.

3. The Splecnic Inner Authority: 11% of population

- driven by intuition.

- once-and-done nature, tend to decide immediately and then move on.

- should pay attention to the moment and be open to spontaneous inner guidance.

- making decision on the spot is their best path, or wait until the last minute.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Human Design 4. Definition Types

There are 4 following Definition Types in Human Design (and only 1 No Definition Type in Human Design, which is Reflectors - who are very rare, only less than 1% of human population).

1. The Single Definition Type: 41.95% of human population

- have all their defined energy centers connected, forming one complete circuit.

- self-sufficient, focused, with a natural ability to process information and function independently. 

2. The Split Definition Type: 45.89% of human population

- have two distinct sets of defined centers that are not directly connected to each other.

-  need 1 central relationship to feel whole, which can be frustrating if they cannot find the right one, monogamous.

- have the potential to develop deep relational skills and a strong understanding of interpersonal dynamics.

3. The Triple Definition Type: 10.18% of human population

- have three distinct sets of defined centers that are not connected to each other.

- very independent, enjoy being disconnected, free-spirited nature, adventurous.

- enjoy trying new things, a social butterfly.

- fast-paced nature and high empathy.

4. The Quadruple Definition Type: extremely rare, 0.57% of human population

- have 4 separated defined areas.

- very secure in who they are and what they want.

- multi-faced, difficult for others to understand, not the norm living.

- live authentic lives, adaptability, enjoy being in a community of like-minded individuals.