Monday, March 13, 2023

101-2 Reflection notes - The Constitution of Man

 1. What are the seven levels and seven bodies?

Number 7 is a magic one. We see it as 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 rays of all manifestations and now we have 7 levels of consciousness corresponding to 7 planes of our solar systems, with each having its own 7 subplanes; and beyond that, we even have the 7 Cosmic Planes. The 7 planes are the physical-etheric, astral, mental, intuitional (buddhic), atmic, monadic, and logoic or divine planes.

“As above so below”, we see the analogy between man and the Cosmos, men are often seen as microcosmos. It was written in the Greek Delphi - “Know Thyself” as it was advised by Socrates and all great Teachers and Sages - “Know Thyself”. Therefore, as we learn about the constitution of Man, we also come to learn about the constitution of the Universe. Man is also constituted of that 7 layers of substances.

In his full potential, man is 7-fold or multidimensional. However, in order for man to truly and consciously active in each level - each plane, man has to have his vehicle functioning at that plane. So, as man evolves in his consciousness, he is building up his bodies for operating in the planes, higher and higher throughout the course of time. Thus, he becomes more and more inclusive and balanced.

At the present time, humanity mostly functions in the 3 lower planes of physical, astral and mental, which are often called the three worlds or the three planes of human endeavors. The evolutionary goal of the Aryan root-race is developing the mental body. And the goal for the next 6th root-race is developing the intuitional body.

2. What are the names of the fires: in the Etheric body, in the physical body, in the mental body, in the spiritual bodies? Describe the fusion of the fires.

The following table shows the energies/fires of the corresponding bodies in the human constitution:

Human health is conditioned by these major fires, through their right relations, circulation, and eventual fusion. There are 3 major fusions.

The 1st fusion is between the fire by friction (internal vitalizing fire and latent heat) of the physical body and the active heat (prana) of the etheric body. These 3 fires blend at a point between the shoulder blades, bringing health and happiness or well-being to man.

The 2nd fusion is between the fires of the physical-etheric body (the 1st fusion) and the fire of mind or solar fire. As a man meditates, studies contemplatively, and works creatively, his solar fire increases and pulls the fire focused between the shoulder blades up to the head. During this process, the Kundalini fire - the 3 currents of fire coming from the base of spine, mixed with the pranic fire, rising up to the throat chakra and contacting the fire of the mind (the fire of the mental triangle, composed of the throat chakra, the pineal gland and the pituitary body). As the fusion between the two fires (Kundalini fire and the fire of mind) starts in this manasic triangle, the alta major chakra substitutes the throat chakra. When this 2nd fusion takes place, the Kundalini fire rises naturally due to the expansion of consciousness, purifying all the etheric chakras along the spine, enabling the chakras to transmit energy to the glands and their corresponding organs, thus, bringing radiant health and vitality.

The 3rd fusion is between the solar fire (the mental fire), the second fusion and the fire of the spirit (the electric fire), taking place in the head chakra (above the head). This final fusion creates a great initiate, dedicated to serving the world and healing the suffering humanity.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

New Soul

I am sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

I love you.

With gratitude, much love and light from An Lac Trang, March 2023 💗💗💗