Tuesday, May 16, 2017

GQ2: 5 Taurus Meditation and Study Report - Esoteric Psychology Reading

The Taurus Full Moon (Wesak) Meditation: This meditation period is considered by some to be the most sacred of the year, because we are told that in this period, Gautama Buddha returns to bless humanity and the planet. It fits in with our contemplation on the problem of "attachment". Buddha taught that attachment to our desires is the cause of our pain and suffering; while detachment is the key to our happiness.

Study: now we begin to put together all that we have been studying. This month you are asked to do a basic reading for a famous person, using the rays, astrology and a psychology problem.

Meditation: this month focus is upon RULE four - SPIRITUAL READING. This is actually an instruction to train oneself to see beyond the superficial appearance of things. To read that which is behind the form. The development of the intuition is key to this facility.


1.         Give a one paragraph bio of the person, and a second paragraph which gives details of the particular disorder that the person is reported as having suffered, and how it played out.

Sir Winston Churchill (30/11/1874 – 24/01/1965) is among the most influential people in British history and was considered as the Greatest Briton of all time in a 2002 poll. Born to an aristocratic family, he was an officer in the British Army and worked as a writer before going into politics. As a soldier and part-time journalist, Churchill travelled widely, including trips to Cuba, Afghanistan, Egypt and South Africa. Sir Winston Churchill served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom twice, from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. He led Britain to victory over Nazi with the U.S. and Soviet Union during the Second World War. On the other hand, as a non-academic historian and writer, Churchill won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953 for his overall, lifetime body of work, including countless articles and 43 book-length works in 72 volumes. Sir Winston Churchill was conferred the honorary citizenship of the United States in 1963 by the US President Kennedy.

Churchill suffered from manic-depression, a psychological bipolar disorder which commenced in his youth and went throughout his long and remarkable life. According to Churchill’s close friend, he was always either “at the top of the wheel of confidence or at the bottom of an intense depression.” Churchill called his periods of intense and prolonged depression as his “black dog”, when he exhibited low in energy, lying in bed, few interests, losses of appetite, trouble concentrating and even having suicidal intention. On the other side of the spectrum, when his "black dog" had become docile, Churchill exhibited abnormally high levels of energy and restlessness; he started to work at 8 am, staying up late, dictating his books and only going to sleep at 2-3 am. However, after some time, Churchill would go back into months of not talking, not having any ideas, not having any energy. And then he would be back up again. It is said that his mood swings were related to why Churchill drank so heavily.

2.         In the first list, you have been given rays that are related to the disorder. What is it about that ray’s energy and quality do you think, that could give rise to the disorder in a psyche that is unstable? Is there another ray that you think could be related, and if so, which ray and how?

According to the list, this bipolar disorder of manic-depression is related to ray 4. As the ray of harmony through conflict, of struggle, people with this ray find a very special duality appearing in their lives and may exhibit violent mood swings. If there is another ray that could be related to mania, it would probably be ray 6, if taking into extreme as too much enthusiasm. Good thoughts here Daisy. I agree that 4th R is the most likely ray to exhibit this bi-polar disorder and the 6th if taken to extremes.

3.         Do you think that ray was (or is) in the person’s make-up? If so, in which body and what characteristics of this ray did the person demonstrate?  

Yes, I think ray 4 is in Churchill’s ray profile structure. I guess ray 4 is in his mental body. In the case of Churchill, we can see the two extremes in his cycles of mania and depression. Ray 4 is also the ray of artist, and we know that Churchill is an accomplished painter and writer.

4.         Psychology problems can always be interpreted at an astrological level. Which of the person’s Ascendant, Sun or Moon Signs do you think, was most influential in contributing to the problem? What Astro/ ray forces or traits of that sign in particular?

Churchill has Ascendant in Virgo, Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Leo. I guess his Ascendant sign and his Sun sign were the most influential in contributing to the problem. Here we have Virgo (ASC) and Sagittarius (Sun) squaring to each other, representing some friction and conflict. While Virgo rising people often tend to be analytical, critical, worrying too much that leading to depression, Sagittarius Sun (and plus Leo Moon, another Fire) people often exhibit optimism, passion and full of energy (mania). On the other hand, ray 4 of harmony through conflict, which is related to the bipolar disorder, flows through Sagittarius, his Sun sign. Yes, good.

5.         What therapy is recommended for this disorder? What virtues would balance the ray excesses? 

The therapy recommended for this bipolar disorder in the EP text book is “helping the person realise the futility of the mental life, and choose only one method of work or service, and persevere until this is brought through into physical manifestation.” For mainstream medicine, the therapy involves maintaining a regular sleep schedule, avoiding alcohol and drugs, following a consistent exercise program, minimizing stress. On the other hand, psychotherapy[1], or "talk" therapy, is also recommended as an important part of a comprehensive treatment for bipolar disorder. During psychotherapy, people can discuss feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that cause them problems so that hopefully these problems can be more clearly understood and mastered.

The virtues that would balance the ray excesses are moderation, mindfulness, calmness, equanimity.

6.         Finally, if you were a friend of the person and was asked for advice, what would you say? What esoteric advice would you give to help your friend straighten him or herself out, and get back on the right track?

If I were a friend of Churchill and was asked for advice, I would spend more time talking and discussing with him as in psychotherapy; and listening to soft music together. I would ask him to regulate his life style, including sleeping and eating regimes, avoiding smoking and alcohol drinking, doing more exercise. I would make him feel safe and supported, understanding that we will always be there whenever he needs us and he is not alone.

I would ask him to constantly observe himself in order to not identify with these fleeting thoughts and feelings and being more mindful in life. We would meditate together, taking deep breaths and relax for being more calm and moderate.

Excellent! Really well done Daisy.


1.          What was the Raja Yoga meditation theme this month? 

The Raja Yoga meditation theme of this month is Nijama/Rule 4 – Spiritual Reading. 

2.          What insights did you gain in your Raja Yoga meditations this month?

What I learned this month is to see with the eyes of the soul, with the inner vision for the spiritual realities that goes beyond the outer surface, beyond the illusion of the world of forms and phenomena, and penetrating deeper into the essence and meaning of everything. This reminds me of what the fox said to the little prince in the book by Antoine Saint Exupéry, “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” This spiritual reading can be applied daily. All you need to do is look at events, surroundings, people’s behavior and try to see either the rays or the esoteric meaning behind the form.

3.         Do you think that you able to read life and people more deeply this month, as a result of your meditation work? What did you learn about yourself?

Yes, I think so. When reading about depression for the report on psychological reading, I realized that I’m suffering some kind of stress and depression. But I think and I hope that it is just for a period, then it will be fine with time.

4.         THE FULL MOON MEDITATION: Please include insights you gained, or any thoughts at all about this meditation experience.

The fullmoon this month is very special as we were celebrating Vesak, which is also called the Buddha Day. I felt grateful for all the blessings we received from the work of the Hierachy. I meditated and sent good will for peace for the world, for myself and beloved ones.

Thank you Daisy. Very good report.
Light, Love and Power

[1] Psychotherapy for Bipolar Disorder: http://www.webmd.com/bipolar-disorder/guide/psychotherapy-bipolar-disorder

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