Sunday, January 6, 2019

QU1. Capricorn Study Report – 130. Science and Occultism

130.1 Introduction to Science, Analogy and Correspondence

Review the qualities of the Fifth Ray. 

The 5th ray is the expression of Love/Wisdom through the intellect. This occurs through scientific research and experimentation in order that the Plan of Divinity may be revealed through the mind of man. The great work of the 5th ray is the penetration of the Higher Mind that purifies the lower mind, so that humanity may perceive, identify, and know the Mind of God behind all the forms of manifestation. 

Moving into the Aquarian Age, the more evolved of 5th-influenced people will, through the scientific method, seek to prove the validity of metaphysical inquiry. The scientist and researcher will lead the way into the esoteric realities in our time, and reveal through their work those metaphysical Laws and Principles which underlie the Ancient Wisdom Teachings. This 5th ray has much power today in connection with the 5th root-race and with the transference of the consciousness of humanity into the 5th or spiritual kingdom.
Generally, the 5th ray is related to the Lower Mind of Concrete Knowledge, the highest aspect of the lower self. As the ray of Science and Research, the 5th ray is associated with the ability to think rationally, critically, analytically, technically and objectively, to work scientifically with details and great accuracy, to invent, to investigate, to persevere in seeking knowledge, verifying a theory, to invent and discover through research and experiments… On the other hand, the lower manifestation of the 5th ray are insensitive, critical, unforgiving, separative and non-social.
As mental energy, the 5th ray is also related to the Abstract Higher Mind - the embodiment of the Spiritual Triad - a pure channel of the divine will, and the Soul - the Solar Angel, the point of unification, expressing intelligence both abstractly and concretely. The 5th ray mind seeks truth and creates ideas, ideals and ideologies in the fields of science, philosophy and psychology. Thus, in association with higher vibrations, the qualities of the 5th ray includes:
  • Thought form building - concretion of energy. Magicians who work with matter and form-building call in the energies of the 7th ray and the 5th ray.
  • Truthfulness
  • The Mind of God - the Universal Mind, the One Mind. The 5th ray is the implementing factor, the form-building and creative agent, the instrument for the 2nd ray, making the revelation of love possible.
  • Telepathy. 
  • Light and Illumination. The 5th ray energy is essentially a lightbearer, responding sequentially in time and space to the light of the Logos. 
  • Realization of the Soul and its Potentials. The true scientist, being a coordinated personality and working therefore on mental levels, works very close to the soul. The close proximity of the soul negates a separative attitude of the developed personality with the dominant lower mind. Above all, the 5th ray is the ray of intelligent love, just as the second ray is the ray of intuitive love. 
  • The Mental Body as the Transfiguring Agent. Prior to the 3rd initiation, three activities of the mind have been accomplished. The lower or concrete mind transmutes the physical body. Then, through the higher or abstract mind, the soul transforms the emotional nature, while the Spiritual Triad transfigures the personality as a whole, making the initiation of the Transfiguration possible.
  • The Power to take Initiation. It is the unification and a growing sense of oneness which is required for the 3rd initiation.
  • The Use of the Mind for Service. 

Consider how the aspirant who may not have fifth ray in his or her mental body or Personality Ray can still utilize fifth ray methods? Would this be positive?
The aspirant who may not have 5th ray in his or her mental body or Personality can still utilize 5th ray methods by practicing and applying the scientific approach in their lives through:
  • Observing 
  • Thinking critically, rationally
  • Asking questions (especially ‘why’ and ‘how’)
  • Investigating, researching
  • Experimenting
  • Analysing, dispassionately reflecting 
  • Being objective 
  • Meditating to practice detachment from emotions...
How is the Observer related to the fifth ray? The Ajna Center?
The Observer is related to the 5th ray as observing is an act of looking carefully and quietly from a distance, without interfering what is happening. Thus, the observer sees things as they are, objectively, without being affected by subjective emotions.
The Ajna Center - the brow chakra is related to the 5th ray, more in the higher mind aspect as the Ajna represents the highest form of creative intelligence in man. Thus, the Ajna is associated with aspirants, disciples. The Ajna center becomes dominant after the 2nd initiation but only fully function by the 3rd initiation. From the 2nd initiation, the disciple is able to hold the mind steady in the light of the Soul and hence soul energy can flow into the heart center.

Astrologically, what signs are involved? How would one tap Ray qualities by zodiacal indications?
Astrologically, the 5th ray flows through Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius. 
In Leo, the 5th ray manifests as acute intellect, enhancing leadership skills.
In Sagittarius, the 5th ray manifests as acute intellect, with visionary quality.
In Aquarius, the 5th ray manifests as acute intellect, with a scientific mind.
One would tap the ray qualities by zodiacal indications such as:
Their personal planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury) and Ascendant are in Leo, Sagittarius or Aquarius.

130.2 History of Science, and Scientists
Pythagoras was known as "the father of numbers.” He believed that number was the ultimate level of reality. The true nature of things was its number. Therefore, to understand something, one must know its number. Pythagoras is quoted as saying "number is the ruler of forms and ideas and the cause of gods and demons.” Compare this use of number with knowing a person's monad, soul or personality ray number. 

Beside being a mathematician and a philosopher, Pythagoras is also known as the father of Western numerology. Numerology is based on the proposition that every number and letter has its own unique vibration, affecting our life. Numerology Rule of Thumb is to continue adding numbers together until we get a single digit number between 1 and 9. The only time this rule doesn’t apply is when we come across a number 11, 22, or 33, they are called master numbers. All these numbers have positive as well as negative traits.

Thus, from our name and our birthday, in a multitude of combinations, we can calculate our key numbers such as life path number, destiny number (expression number), maturity number (realization number), soul number (soul urge, heart’s desire number), personality number, pinnacle/cycle numbers, challenge number, balance number… Numbers based on our date of birth affect us for periods in our life (cycles) or are overcome after we reach a certain age (challenges). Numbers derived from our full name at birth reflect who we are within, our in-born talents, characteristics, strengths and weaknesses.
These numbers can help us uncover our destiny, life purpose and the life lessons we’ll face along the way. So, this application is similar to knowing a person’s monad, soul or personality ray number.

Following table shows the keywords of each number from the 2 systems. 

Keywords of Numbers

Among these two systems, we see that numbers have different meanings in most of the cases. However, in my opinion, some traits of the rays can be related to some traits of the numbers in numerology, such as:
Ray 1 and number 1, 6, 8, 9 in numerology.
Ray 2 and number 2, 6, 9 and 11.
Ray 3, 5 and number 4, 7
Ray 4 and number 3, 5, 6, 9.
Ray 6 and number 2, 4, 6, 11
Ray 7 and number 8, 22, 33

130.3 The Scientific Method, exoterically and esoterically considered

Could you have a conversation about whether the empirical scientific method is valid in relation to occultism?
In my opinion, the empirical scientific method is still valid in relation to occultism. However, there are limitations with empirical science as empirical evidences are confined by knowledge from the senses of the material and phenomenal world. 

I would like to put here the quote from Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest scientists and visionary thinkers in the world, whose saying is such a relevant answer. 

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."
~ Nikola Tesla

[The following are The Ten Basic Propositions given by D.K. They are expansions of the three fundamental propositions of God, Law, and Being from the Secret Doctrine.

The Ten Basic Proposition
One:  There is one Life, which expresses Itself primarily through seven basic qualities or aspects, and secondarily through the myriad diversity of forms.
Two:  These seven radiant qualities are the seven Rays, the seven Lives, Who give Their life to the forms, and give the form world its meaning, its laws, and its urge to evolution.
Three:  Life, quality and appearance, or spirit, soul and body constitute all that exists.  They are existence itself, with its capacity for growth, for activity, for manifestation of beauty, and for full conformity to the Plan.  This Plan is rooted in the consciousness of the seven ray Lives.
Four:  These seven Lives, Whose nature is consciousness and Whose expression is sentiency and specific quality, produce cyclically the manifested world; They work together in the closest union and harmony, and cooperate intelligently with the Plan of which They are the custodians.  They are the seven Builders, Who produce the radiant temple of the Lord, under the guidance of the Mind of the Great Architect of the Universe.
Five:  Each ray Life is predominantly expressing Itself through one of the seven sacred planets, but the life of all the seven flows through every planet, including the Earth, and thus qualifies every form.  On each planet is a small replica of the general scheme, and every planet conforms to the intent and purpose of the whole.
Six:  Humanity … is an expression of the life of God, and every human being has come forth along one line or other of the seven ray forces.  The nature of his soul is qualified or determined by the ray Life which breathed him forth, and his form nature is coloured by the ray Life which – in its cyclic appearance on the physical plane at any particular time – sets the quality of the race life and of the forms in the kingdoms of nature.
Seven:  The Monad is the Life, lived in unison with the seven ray Lives.  One Monad, seven rays and myriads of forms – this is the structure behind the manifested worlds.
Eight:  The Laws which govern the emergence of the quality or soul, through the medium of forms, are simply the mental purpose and life direction of the ray Lords, Whose purpose is immutable, Whose vision is perfect, and Whose justice is supreme.
Nine:  The mode or method of development for humanity is self-expression and self-realization.  When this process is consummated the self expressed is the One Self or the ray Life, and the realization achieved is the revelation of God as the quality of the manifested world and as the Life behind appearance and quality.  The seven ray Lives, or the seven soul types, are seen as the expression of one Life, and diversity is lost in the vision of the One and in identification with the One.
Ten:  The method employed to bring about this realization is experience, beginning with individualization and ending with initiation, thus producing the perfect blending and expression of life-quality-appearance.
This is a brief statement of the Plan.  Of this the Hierarchy of Masters in Its seven divisions (the correspondences of the seven rays) is the custodian, and with Them lies the responsibility in any century of carrying out the next stage of that Plan.”  (Esoteric Psychology I, Page 141-143)]